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Minutes of the Consultation Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 31 October 2002 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1H 0NY.



  • Cindy Butts (Chair)
  • Jenny Jones
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Nicholas Long

MPA Officers:

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Julia Smith (Policy Officer, Consultation, Diversity and Outreach)

MPS Officers:

  • Chas Bailey (Superintendent, Consultation Manager)

Part 1

15. Opening remarks

Members raised serious concerns about the number of late reports, for which the Clerk apologised.

16. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Abdal Ullah. It was noted that no decision had been taken yet about the attendance at this committee of an officer of ACPO rank (or civilian equivalent).

17. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations of interests were made.

18. Minutes of the Consultation Committee – 4 July 2002

(Agenda item 3)

The Committee considered the minutes of the committee meeting held on 4 July 2002.

Resolved - That the minutes of the meeting of the Consultation Committee held on 4 July 2002 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

19. Minutes of the special meeting of the Consultation Committee - 23 September 2002

(Agenda item 4)

The Committee considered the minutes of the special committee meeting held on 23 September 2002.

Resolved - That the minutes of the special meeting of the Consultation Committee held on 23 September 2002 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

20. Meeting arrangements

(Agenda item 5)

Members received a report reviewing the arrangements for meetings of the committee including the appointment of co-opted members. The Chair agreed that although the report had been circulated to members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was that decisions were needed to allow time for the appointment of co-optees before the next meeting.

It was agreed the number of co-optees should not outnumber the number of MPA Committee members. The co-opted members were agreed as the Chair of the London CPCGs Chair’s Forum, the Chair of the London Civic Forum, an elected IVC Panel member, representative and a representative from the Enfield CPCG Youth Forum. It was agreed that a borough commander would be invited to attend each meeting, but not in the capacity of a co-opted member. Co-opted members will not be able to vote and will not count toward the quorum of the committee. They will be bound by the Authority’s code of conduct for Members. The appointments would be renewable annually, as is the case with the appointment of MPA members to committees, although the membership of a co-opted member would deem to have lapsed if three or more consecutive meetings are missed.

Members also discussed the format for future meetings and it was agreed the MPA and MPS would draw up a programme of consultation events, which would be circulated, to Members before the next committee meeting.

Resolved - That

  1. the arrangements for the appointment of the co-opted members be agreed;
  2. the co-opted members would be the Chair of the London CPCGs Forum, the Chair of the London Civic Forum, an elected IVC Panel member and a representative from the Enfield CPCG Youth Forum for a term of office up until the annual meeting of the Authority in June 2003; and
  3. the meeting arrangements at paragraphs 7 to 12 of the report be agreed.

21. Public attitude survey

(Agenda item 6)

The Consultation Committee on 4 July 2002 had agreed a review of the Public Attitude Survey (PAS). The review identified where improvements could be made and how the PAS could be better utilised within the overall consultation strategy. Members received a report outlining the results of the review, and asking them to approve the proposed way forward. The Chair informed Members that she would be meeting the MPS Consultation Manager in the coming week to discuss the report further.

Resolved - That Members note and support the areas for improvement, but hold any decisions pending the completion of the Consultation Strategy.

22. MPA/MPS consultation strategy - draft framework and consultation process

(Agenda item 7)

Members received a report outlining the ‘Consultation Strategy and Implementation Plan 2002/5, copies of which had been circulated to Members. The Chair agreed that although the paper had been circulated to Members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was the exigencies of the national timetable.

Members complimented the strategy, however one Member felt it did not adequately address discrimination of people who fell into multiple disadvantaged group. She would discuss this with the strategy’s author outside the meeting. Another Member felt more advanced planning was required, so consultation events could be fitted onto the timetables of consultation groups. The Chair felt the terminology for marginalized groups should be amended and the strategy should contain more detail about ‘quicktime' consultation. The Clerk requested that comments on the strategy be passed to the author within the next two week. She suggested that the strategy be divided into two components, the medium term consultation structure, and the current consultation timetable. Consultation on the national strategy would commence following comments and amendments from Members in January, with process and time constraints imposed by the government timetable.

Resolved – That

  1. before the views of key partners and stakeholders are sought, Members should pass any further comments on the draft consultation strategy to the author by 14 November; and
  2. the strategy be divided into two components, the medium term consultation structure and the current consultation timetables for ‘quick time’ consultation on current and emerging policing issues.

23. Reform arrangements for Community and Police Consultative Groups

(Agenda item 8)

Since the publication of the MPA/MPS Best Value Review of Consultation Report in 2001, the MPA had looked at ways to implement its recommendations. It had sought legal advice on the relationship between the Authority and the 32 Community and Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs) in London and had commissioned the MPA Internal Audit unit to look at their financial management. A report was received summarising the key recommendations and outcomes from the reform arrangements and seeking views on how these should be progressed. One recommendation was that CPCGs accepted a constitution. A draft model constitution had been circulated to Members for comment. The Chair agreed that although the paper had been circulated to members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was to allow an adequate periods for consultation before implementation.

The lead member for CPCGs noted that the constitution did not include Lord Scarman’s recommendation that a borough commander should discussed with his/her community operations proposed in the boroughs. It was agreed there was a need to ensure that CPCGs were aware that the requirement for the constitution had been driven by the Internal Audit report and a forthcoming employment tribunal, and that the MPA valued their integrity and independence. He felt the constitution should be sent to the CPCGs as soon as possible, together with a copy of the legal opinion and a timetable for acceptance. The provision of grants in March 2003 would be subject to the holding of an annual or extraordinary general meeting and the adoption of the constitution. The lead policy officers or lead member would visit CPCGs if required to discuss and clarify issues concerning the constitution. All link Members would all be briefed, so that they could answer questions if necessary.

Resolved - That

  1. Members accept Counsel’s guidance on the nature of the relationship between the MPA and Community and Police Consultative Groups;
  2. the actions in the outline Management Action Plan in response to the recommendations by Internal Audit be noted;
  3. the ‘next steps’ outlined in the report for seeking views on the draft model constitution be agreed; and
  4. a briefing be sent to all link Members.

24. Independent Custody Visitors Panels – progress report

(Agenda item 9)

Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) became a statutory responsibility of police authorities in July 2002. The Committee received a report outlining some of the actions that the MPA had been progressing to meet its statutory responsibility and promote good practice in ICV Panels in London. The Chair agreed that although the paper had been circulated to members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was the imminence of the ICV conference.

The lead Member thanked the policy officer for her work with CPCGs and ICV Panels. He noted that the visitor forms completed after each custody visit were retained on borough. He wanted them collated, and regular report produced on their findings so that MPS wide problems could be identified. He complemented all concerned in the new training course. He noted that the delays in security vetting were causing problems for ICV Panels, as it did for the MPS and MPA recruitment. He felt this should be considered at MPS management board level. It was agreed that disciplinary matters should be referred to the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee.

Resolved - That

  1. the statutory responsibility of the MPA for ICV Panels be noted;
  2. disciplinary matters in relation to ICV Panels be referred to the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee;
  3. the circulation of the draft of the MPA ICV Handbook to panels for their consideration and comments be agreed;
  4. subject to revisions to the MPA ICV report form, a further pilot period to enable full implementation of the form by 2003 be approved;
  5. the presentation to be made to Mrs Greta Brooks at the ICV Conference on 2 November 2002 be noted; and
  6. a regular report be received collating the results of ICV forms.

25. Update on consultation on the 2003/4 policing priorities

(Agenda item 10)

The Consultation Committee had approved the consultation process for the 2003/4 policing priorities, Members now received a report updating them on implementation of the process and the consultation results. It was noted that road safety had been identified as an important issue, although it was not reflected in the proposed police priorities.

Resolved - That

  1. the report be noted;
  2. the outcome based debrief and evaluation of this consultation process be approved; and
  3. the outcome be reported back to this committee.

26. Consultation committee work programme and budget proposals

(Agenda item 11)

Members had considered a proposed work programme and draft consultation budget at a special meeting of the Consultation Committee on 23 September 2002 in order to ensure that the Finance Committee could consider the budget submission as part of the overall MPA growth bid for 2003/04. The report was now presented to members for detailed consideration. The Chair agreed that although the paper had been circulated to members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was that the report was timetabled to be considered by the Finance Committee.

Resolved - That Members note the work programme for 2003 – 2004.

27. Lead member roles

(Agenda item 12)

Members received a report inviting the committee to consider whether it wished to make any appointments to lead member roles for subject areas within its terms of reference. The Chair agreed that although the paper had been circulated to Members with less than five clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The reason for urgency was that the finalised report was timetabled to be received by a forthcoming Coordination and Policing Committee.

It was noted that Nicholas Long was the lead officer for ICV Panels and CPCGs; and was also interested in appropriate adults (in so much as they involved efficiency and effectiveness and cutting police overtime). It was noted that road safety cut across several committees. Police surgeons were discussed. It was agreed that their lead committees should be Coordination and Policing (because of their cost), and Consultation (in that they featured in ICV reports). The Consultation Committee would appoint other lead Members when appropriate.

Resolved - That

  1. the Committee note the basis of the lead member role agreed by the Co-ordination & Policing Committee; and
  2. that changes be made to the report as follows
  • Nicholas Long be lead officer for ICV Panels, CPCGs, and appropriate adults;
  • road safety to cut across several committees; and
  • the lead committees for police surgeons be Coordination and Policing, and Consultation.

The meeting finished at 3.55 p.m.

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