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Report 15 of the 25 Jun 03 meeting of the Consultation Committee and reviews the arrangements for appointing co-opted members to the Committee and invites members to make appointment for the new Authority year, which starts with the Annual Meeting on 26 June.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Co-opted Members

Report: 15
Date: 25 June 2003
By: Clerk


The report reviews the arrangements for appointing co-opted members to the Committee and invites members to make appointment for the new Authority year, which starts with the Annual Meeting on 26 June.

A. Recommendation

That the proposals for the appointment of co-opted members be agreed

B. Supporting information

1. This Committee at its meeting on 24 April considered a report which proposed that it review the membership and make recommendations to the annual meeting of the Authority on who the co-opted members should be for the year 2003/04. Officers, in consultation with identified members were asked to consider the matter further and to bring more specified recommendations to the committee.

2. As a principle, members may want to ensure that the co-opted members represent organisations that can facilitate its consultation and agenda or can assist in bringing a community of pan-London perspective that addresses a gap in the current knowledge of the Committee.

3. Of the current co-opted membership, the Chair of the London Community and Police Chairs Forum, the Director of the London Civic Forum have previously indicated that they would like to continue to be represented on the committee. It is proposed that members approve this and recommend to the Authority that they continue to be members of this Committee.

Youth representation

4. The Committee was very eager to have a young person on the Committee and had invited the Enfield CPCG youth forum into membership. Unfortunately, no young person was able to attend due to the meetings taking place at a time when many young people of school age are attending school.

5. There are a number of organisations that work with young people who are beyond school age and who would be able to attend meetings during the day. Members may wish to consider seeking a youth representative from such an organisation, and to hold specific meetings after school hours when young people of school age could be invited to attend and take part in the decision making process.

Other key equality groups representation

6. There is currently three key areas in which there is ‘gap’ in the Committee’s access to key communities and groups:

  • People from the Asian community
  • People with disabilities and
  • People from Asian community

8. To date the Committee has not been as successful in its engagement of the Asian community. Clearly there is a range of policing that re particularly relevant and that impact adversely as well as positive learning that could be brought to the work of the Committee. It is therefore proposed that a co-opted representative be sought form the faith community. This can be sought from an organisation such as the Moslem Council of Britain or the Hindu or Sikh Association.

People with disabilities

9. 2003 is the European Year of the Disabled. There is a great deal that needs to be done for the MPA to engage with people with disabilities and organisations that represent their interest. It is propose that Action First, or a similar organisation where people with disabilities represent their own interests be invited to nominate a representative to the committee.

Independent Custody Visiting (ICV)

10. Although the Independent Custody Visiting is not primarily about community consultation, they do provide a major community confidence and reassurance role. The Committee may see value in continuing to have an ICV representative as a member of this committee.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The appointment to the co-opted members to the Committee enables the Committee to appoint representatives from a range of groups including those under-represented amongst the membership of the Authority and traditionally discriminated against.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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