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Report 8 of the 13 May 04 meeting of the Consultation Committee and outlines the MPS position in respect of the development and delivery of citizen focussed electronic services.

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E-policing consultation

Report: 8
Date: 13 May 2004
By: Commissioner


This report outlines the MPS position in respect of the development and delivery of citizen focussed electronic services.

A. Recommendation

That members note the current position in respect of delivery of electronic services.

B. Supporting information

1. This paper provides supplementary information in support of the report submitted to the Consultation Committee in March 2004, dealing with consultation on e-policing. This paper also provides evidence of progress to implement the e-strategy that was endorsed by the MPA Finance Committee in June 2003.

2. This paper provides additional information regarding those initiatives which were referred to in the previous report, identifying examples of current e-policing initiatives (Appendix 1) and examples of potential e-initiatives (Appendix 2).

3. We are exploring a range of options in pursuit of our objective to make more services available electronically. Our key intention is to provide services that the citizen wishes to use, in ways they want to use them. We are therefore seeking to ensure that we use our e-strategy as a vehicle for identifying and prioritising a balanced range of citizen focussed services that attract high levels of take-up, in a programme that will allow for development of new e-initiatives up to and beyond 2005. Consultation will be the key to the choices we make in this regard.

4. Examples of our most successful services currently available are:

  • The crime reporting on line which currently attracts in excess of 1,000 reports per month;
  • Commissioners and New Scotland Yard e-Mail addresses, providing the opportunity for general e-mail enquiries and currently attract approximately 5,000 enquiries per month.
  • The Karrot initiative from Southwark Borough, which uses smartcard technology to engage with young people and encourage positive social outcomes. This initiative was subject of an ISB Award in 2002.

5. The promotion of electronic services will be delivered under existing corporate arrangements. Nationally provided services will be advertised by the Association of Chief Police Officers. We aim to maximise publicity through clear links from other relevant websites.

6. The Information Management Steering Group (an existing forum chaired by the Deputy Commissioner) receives reports relating to the development and delivery of electronic services. MPA member Reshard Auladin has a seat on this Group.

C. Race and equality impact

1. We will continue to seek to extend the range of electronic services, promoting social inclusion in the access and delivery of police services. We aim to use e-policing initiatives to provide additional channels for delivery of services, rather than replacing existing services.

2. The MPS will continue to engage with the Greater London Authority (GLA), London Connects, Association of London Government (ALG) and other groups who can provide advice regarding, and additional channels to extend, availability of police services to hard to reach groups.

3. Not all e-policing initiatives may be of relevance to hard to reach groups (above their relevance to the public in general); and not all hard to reach groups are open to e-policing initiatives by their very nature (e.g. homeless or travelling people). However, it is suggested that:

  • e-policing initiatives provide additional channels for delivery of services, rather than replacing existing services
  • certain hard to reach groups are likely to benefit from these additional channels across the board;
  • notwithstanding (b), the specific relationship of e-policing issues to hard-to-reach groups and the benefits that may accrue are likely to vary according to the nature of the initiative in question.

D. Financial implications

All currently planned consultation activities in respect of e-policing will be conducted within existing MPS budgetary limits. This paper is submitted for information only.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Richard Jackson, Directorate of Information, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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