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Report 3 of the 09 Oct 01 meeting of the Chair's Co-ordination and Urgency Committee and discusses membership of Southwark Local Strategic Partnership.

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Membership of Southwark Local Strategic Partnership

Report: 4
Date: 9 October 2001
By: Clerk


This report invites the committee to appoint Cecile Lothian as the Authority’s representative on the Southwarl Local Strategic Partnership.

A. Recommendation

1. That the MPA appoints Cecile Lothian to represent the Authority on the Southwark Local Strategic Partnership.

B. Supporting information

1. An invitation has been received from Southwark Council for the MPA to be represented on its new Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) which will draw its 26 members from statutory agencies, major providers in the borough and representatives of residents, the business community, the voluntary sector and the faith community. The overall aim of the LSP is to improve the lives of people in Southwark by joint working, particularly on the major issues of regeneration, crime, health, education, employment and the environment. Further information is attached as appendix A.

2. Both Cecile Lothian and the Borough Commander, Rod Jarman, have been involved in discussions about the establishment of this partnership. The Borough Commander will be a member of the LSP and Southwark Council is inviting the MPA to appoint one of its members. It is recommended that Cecile Lothian be appointed to this position - she has indicated her willingness to serve on the LSP. The first formal meeting of the partnership is to be held on 10 November.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications.

D. Background papers

  • Letter from Southwark Chief Executive dated 4 September 2001.

E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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