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Report 8 of the 19 July 02 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and discusses the appointment of Members as the MPA’s representatives on outside bodies.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Appointments to outside bodies

Report: 8
Date: 19 July 2002
By: Clerk


This report requests approval to the appointment of Members as the MPA’s representatives on outside bodies.

A. Recommendation

  1. That appointments be made to outside bodies

B. Supporting information

1. At the MPA’s Annual Meeting on 27 June, decisions on appointments to outside bodies were deferred to this meeting of the Co-ordination & Policing Committee, with the exception of appointments to the Local Government Association General Assembly, to which Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris, Elizabeth Howlett and Graham Tope were appointed.

2. Appendix 1 lists the bodies to which appointments need to be made, last year’s appointees and those Members who have expressed an interest for the coming year.

3. As part of the process of inviting nominations, Members were asked if there are other bodies on which they consider themselves to be formally representing the MPA. Five members responded to this and the details are also shown in Appendix 1. As, on the whole, there has been no previous committee decision on these appointments, the Committee is asked to confirm that these are bodies on which the MPA should be formally represented or to ask for further information where the purpose of the representation is not clear.

4. One of the committee’s roles is to bring formality to the ‘lead member’ roles. This will be the subject of a further report in September.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers

Nominations from members.

E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: 

Group Current Membership of outside bodies Expressions of interest
Association of Police Authorities
APA Plenary
Toby Harris, Richard Barnes, Graham Tope, R David Muir, Rachel Whittaker & Richard Sumray (i.e. chair and a deputy chair of the MPA and committee chairs) Reshard Auladin
Toby Harris
Rachel Whittaker
Richard Sumray
Graham Tope
A further appointment can be made
APA policy groups:


R David Muir R David Muir

Community Engagement

Toby Harris and Richard Barnes

Toby Harris
Cindy Butts

HR and Personnel

Rachel Whittaker

Rachel Whittaker

Operational Finance & IT issues

Graham Tope & Nicholas Long (Co-opted)

Graham Tope
Nicholas Long

Performance Management

Richard Sumray and Reshard Auladin

Richard Sumray
Reshard Auladin

IM Liaison Network and Members Group

Reshard Auladin

Reshard Auladin

Training Liaison Network

Rachel Whittaker

Rachel Whittaker

APA Criminal Justice System Task Group

Richard Sumray and Reshard Auladin (Co-opted)

Richard Sumray
Reshard Auladin

Association of London Government

ALG Leader’s Committee

Toby Harris as Chair of the Authority

Toby Harris

ALG Panels:

Community safety and policing

Cecile Wright, R David Muir and Angela Slaven

Cindy ButtsCecile WrightR David MuirAbdal Ullah

Local Government Association
General Assembly
Anthony Arbour, Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris & Graham Tope Appointments made:
Elizabeth Howlett
Toby Harris
Graham Tope
Nicky Gavron
Police Authorities in Corporate Membership Group Anthony Arbour, Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris & Graham Tope Toby Harris
Graham Tope
Nicky Gavron
Policy Review Groups: Education: Elizabeth Howlett
Human Resources: Rachel Whittaker
Social Inclusion: Reshard Auladin, Cindy Butts, Cecile Wright & R.David Muir
Rachel WhittakerCindy ButtsCecile WrightR David Muir
LGA Urban Commission Richard Sumray Richard Sumray
London Health Commission Toby Harris Toby Harris
Richard Sumray (reserve)
Airwave Programme Board Catherine Crawford, Clerk to the MPA
Joint Steering Group for Community Safety in London Graham Tope, Abdal Ullah and Catherine Crawford  Graham TopeAbdal Ullah
London Police Education Ltd R. David Muir R David Muir
Police Advisory Board Jennette Arnold Jennette Arnold
Southwark Local Strategic Partnership Cecile Wright Cecile Wright
Crime stoppers Nicholas Long Nicholas Long
Police Negotiating Board  Toby Harris or Rachel Whittaker Toby Harris
Rachel Whittaker
Street Crime Management Board Cecile Wright (appointed on 27.6.02)

Bodies on which members consider themselves to be formally representing the MPA

Cindy Butts
Home Office Advisory Group;
CRR Training Trident Independent Advisory Group
Richard Sumray
MPS – Child Protection Committee (Multi agency)
MPS – Child Abuse Prevention
Strategy Group Multi agency Public Protection Panel for London MPS Serious Crime Group Growth and Development Board MPS SO marketing Strategy Group Camden’s Community Safety Partnership
Cecile Wright
APA Street Crime Action Group
GOL Joint Steering Group for Community Safety Law Enforcement Support in Jamaica Group Safer Southwark Partnership
R David Muir
Evangelical Alliance’s Commission of Inquiry on Church, State and Nation
Jennette Arnold
MPS domestic violence working party; Waltham Forest Local Strategic Partnership - safetynet

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