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Report 5 of the 07 Feb 03 meeting of the Co-ordination and outlines the progress of the MPA Race Hate Crimes Working Group.

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London Race Hate Crimes Forum

Report: 5
Date: 07 Feb 03
By: Clerk


This report outlines the progress of the MPA Race Hate Crimes Working Group and gives members an account of the negotiations that are currently underway for securing the resources required to implement the proposals.

A. Recommendations


  1. members note the development and progress of the MPA Race Hate Crimes Working Group; and
  2. agree to a contribution of £5,000 to the work of the Forum, as part of the contribution towards a fully funded post being established by the Forum.

B. Supporting information

1. The Authority has received reports on the proposal to develop a London Race Hate Crimes Forum. Both this Committee and the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board expressed indicative support for this initiative, but requested additional information before agreeing to commit resources. This report provides further updated information for members’ consideration.

2. The working group has continued to hold regular meetings to progress the initial work programme of the group. In addition to these, meetings have been organised with the key stakeholders to explain the proposed work of the Forum in greater detail as part of the process of securing support and the associated resources required for its establishment.

3. Most agencies involved in the working group are committed to development of the forum and, to date, a number have indicated that they are willing to contribute to its development, specifically to support the employment of a co-ordinator, to take forward the work programme:

  • pledges from partners have included cash contributions (£3000), staff accommodation, and telephone helpline support for local racial harassment panels/officers, graphical design services, and other in-kind support.
  • The MPS has offered 2 days a week officer time to progress specific aspects of the work programme.

4. Responses regarding support are still being awaited from other stakeholder organisations including: the Government Office for London (GOL), the Mayor’s Office and the Association of London Government (ALG). MPA officers and the Victim Support London made a presentation to the members of the ALG Community Safety Committee during which a degree of scepticism about the need for a forum was aired. Although the ALG members with responsibility for Equal Opportunities were fully briefed, it was evident that the same information was not made available to those on the Community Safety Committee. A further report will be presented to the next Community Safety the future meeting.

5. Members of the working group will be arranging meetings with key decision-makers in the their organisations to further brief them on the work of the Forum as part of the process of confirming the level of resourcing to be made available for the Forum.

6. In view of the above and to help attract other funding for the Forum, members are asked to support the MPA pledging a contribution of £5,000 to this project along with a couple of days a month administrative support. This can be funded from the MPA Equalities and Diversity work programme budget that has earmarked money to race hate crimes work already. It is anticipated, though no decisions have been reached as yet, that much of the work of the Forum will be progressed by one of the partner organisation. This will enable to MPA to continue to take a strategic overview of the work of the Forum, rather that be involved in the day-to-day administration of this service.

7. In addition to progressing the plans for the Forum, the working group has continued to work with key partners and gain access to the outcomes of research and information on the performance of boroughs (police and local authorities) on race hate crimes.

8. A survey carried out by Government Office for London (GOL) in collaboration with the MPS and the Race Hate Crimes working group was presented to the group at its meeting on 20 January 2003. The preliminary findings identified that victims of race hate crime are treated with different degrees of priority in the 32 London boroughs. While the MPS provision around race hate crime is designed to be consistent throughout London, the inconsistent approaches of crime and disorder reduction partnerships (CDRPs) result in good, but unshared practice, in some boroughs and poor clarity of approach in others. GOL’s report confirms that a pan-London forum would add value, and help London progress the way race hate crimes are dealt with and make it less of a lottery for victims of such crime and those vulnerable to these crimes depending on where they live.

9. The MPA scrutiny into CDRPs, recently considered by this Committee, also provided similar conclusions about the work of CDRPs more generally. The forum provides an opportunity for the MPA to drive forward and engage in multi-agency work covering an area of priority for the Authority.

10. The working group has outlined the areas it would like a Forum to progress in the coming year. These are:

  • Mapping boroughs activities with respect to race hate forums, monitoring activity, reporting structures and strategy objectives.
  • Communicating and forging links with boroughs (the local authority and local police) to engage them in the work of the Forum and allow the Forum to assess/identify their performance and practices.
  • Looking at links between reports, charging and judicial disposals (the police and CPS).
  • Considering how Registered Social Landlords deal with race hate incidents and reporting.
  • Disseminating the work of the Forum and website development.

Forum launch

12. Plans are underway for this to take place and further more detailed reports will be brought to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board in March 2003.

C. Equality and diversity implications

Improving the policies and co-ordination of arrangements for dealing with matters of race hate crimes, as well as performance in dealing with these crimes could significantly improve confidence and trust of London’s diverse racial communities in the policing of London.

D. Financial implications

It is proposed that the Authority contributes £5,000 towards the Forum with other partners making up the balance. The postholder would be employed by one of the partners in the forum (to be decided) rather than by the Authority. The amount proposed is contained in the Equalities and Diversity work programme budget, which has been agreed by the Authority.

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith

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