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Report 5 of the 02 May 03 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and provides the Members with revised governance arrangements for the C3i programme are set out with specific proposals for the Authority to discharge its responsibilities.

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Governance arrangements for the C3i Programme

Report: 5
Date: 2 May 2003
By: Clerk and the Treasurer


Revised governance arrangements for the C3i programme are set out with specific proposals for the Authority to discharge its responsibilities.

A. Recommendation

The Committee is asked to endorse the proposal for an MPA C3i Oversight Group accountable to this Committee.

B. Supporting information


1. The governance arrangements for the C3i programme have recently been reviewed and changes put in place. This report informs members of the new arrangements and seeks endorsement to the role of the MPA.

2. Attached at Appendix 1 is a paper prepared by the MPS following discussion with the MPA members who have been attending the C3i Steering Group. Attention is drawn particularly to section 5 headed Proposed Way Forward.

Previous arrangements

3. Up until now the MPA’s regular involvement has been through the C3i Steering Group chaired by the Deputy Commissioner. The MPA members of the Steering Group have been Reshard Auladin, Nicholas Long, Rachel Whittaker, the Clerk and the Treasurer. The Authority has received reports when it has had to make specific decisions to agree the business case strategy or to approve resources. There have also been ad hoc informal presentations to a wider Authority audience from time to time.

4. It has become increasingly apparent that the Steering Group has become too large and unwieldy to fulfil its nominal function. This view was confirmed by Impact Plus, a firm of consultants appointed to act as a ‘programme conscience’ providing independent advice to the Deputy Commissioner, and MPA members, about the effectiveness of the management and delivery arrangements.

New arrangements

5. The new arrangements create a clear focus on the executive responsibility of the MPS to deliver the agreed programme through establishing a small C3i Strategy Group chaired by the Deputy Commissioner sitting above the Programme Board chaired by the Programme Director. The MPA Clerk and Treasurer are included on the Strategy Group.

6. The Steering Group has been re-designated as the Stakeholder Forum and will act in a consultative capacity bringing stakeholders from all parts of the MPS and including representation from the MPA. In view of the creation of the Oversight Group (see below) MPA attendance could be limited to one member plus the Clerk or Treasurer.

7. It is then proposed that there should be a new MPA C3i Oversight Group which would meet soon after each Strategy Group meeting where the Deputy Commissioner, with appropriate support, would report discussions and decisions taken by the Steering Group and specific references for an Authority view. The Oversight Group would therefore exercise on behalf of the Authority the following functions:

  • Ensuring that the strategy agreed by the Authority in approving the C3i business case is being followed through.
  • Considering, and advising the Authority on, any changes proposed to the strategy.
  • Monitoring the resource requirements for the programme and advising the Authority on any changed requirements.
  • Monitoring the delivery of the C3i strategy.

8. It is suggested that the membership of the Oversight Group should comprise the three members who have been on the Steering Group (see paragraph 3 above) with the addition of Richard Barnes, with the Clerk and Treasurer in attendance. The Oversight Group would be an MPA body and would therefore be chaired by an MPA member.

9. The Oversight Group would be accountable to this Committee and matters requiring an Authority decision would be reported here. In addition a periodic progress report, probably quarterly, should be made to the full Authority.

10. If the Committee concurs with these proposals for the MPA’s role in the governance of C3i terms of reference will be drawn up for the Oversight Group along the lines set out above.

11. Members should be aware that the Home Office also has a quarterly meeting monitoring progress on C3i. This reflects the substantial commitment of Home Office grant towards the project’s funding. The Clerk and Treasurer attend these meetings to represent the Authority’s accountability for the C3i programme.

C. Equalities and diversity implications

None in relation to the establishment of the MPA C3i Oversight Group.

D. Financial implications

No direct financial implications. The Oversight Group will monitor the requirement and application of resources on the C3i programme.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Peter Martin, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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