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Report 4 of the 19 May 03 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and sets out the draft terms of reference for the MPA scrutiny of gun crime.

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MPA gun crime scrutiny terms of reference

Report: 4
Date: 19 May 2003
By: Clerk


This report sets out the draft terms of reference for the MPA scrutiny of gun crime. The terms of reference were considered by the scrutiny panel on 1 May and are submitted to Co-ordination and Policing Committee for formal approval. The terms of reference are attached as Appendix 1 to this report.

A. Recommendation

That the committee approves the terms of reference for the gun crime scrutiny with particular reference to membership, overall scope, expenditure and timescales.

B. Supporting information


1. On 7 February 2003 the Co-ordination and Policing Committee agreed to undertake a scrutiny of gun crime in London. Cindy Butts was appointed chair of the scrutiny panel and other members were invited to express an interest in taking part. The scrutiny panel met for the first time on 1 May 2003. The panel consists of Cindy Butts, Jennette Arnold, Richard Barnes, Peter Herbert, Nicholas Long, R. David Muir and Rachel Whittaker with Reshard Auladin appointed vice chair at the meeting.


2. The scrutiny report considered by Co-ordination and Policing Committee in February proposed a panel membership of between three and six members, supplemented by non-MPA members if necessary. Given the level of interest from members no external representatives have been invited to join the panel. Key stakeholders will now be invited to contribute through evidence hearings.

Overall scope

3. Draft terms of reference were prepared following desktop research and consultation with senior MPS officers and representatives from the GLA Community Safety Unit. Statistics relating to armed criminality and feedback from the MPA event Stand Up and Stamp Down on Murder have been incorporated into the terms of reference attached as Appendix 1. The terms of reference have been amended following the scrutiny panel on 1 May 2003.

4. The main focus of the MPA scrutiny will be the response of the MPS to tackling gun crime. A key document will be Special Notice 5-02: MPS Guide to Operational Activity to Tackle Armed Criminality published in April 2002. The scrutiny may wish to comment on other issues raised during research such as legislation, education and under achievement, role models and deprivation but recommendations will concentrate on adding value to the MPS approach to gun crime.

5. The objectives of the scrutiny are to:

  • clarify absolute and comparative levels and trends of gun crime in London as well as performance in subsequent criminal justice processes;
  • describe the management structures used in, and resources available to, the MPS in relation to gun crime;
  • assess the extent to which Special Notice 5-02 was implemented and, where implemented, the extent to which output/outcomes were cost effective;
  • assess the extent to which recommendations from local inspection of Operations Trident and the Flying Squad have been implemented and have been cost effective;
  • consult with key partners, communities and individuals in London to inform the approach that should be taken by the MPA and/or MPS.

6. The scrutiny will focus on the MPS’ strategic response to gun crime rather than the immediate operational response to an armed incident. The procedures covering the role and deployment of armed officers for example, will not form a major part of the review. The scrutiny will also cover the link between guns and drugs to a limited extent. The scrutiny will not address the question of whether or not the police should be armed.


7. Initial research work and consultation carried out to draft the terms of reference has highlighted the issue of drugs as a key interface. However, the nature of the relationship between the drugs trade and armed criminality has not been adequately defined. The issue of drug crime cannot be adequately explored within the current scope of the scrutiny agreed by Co-ordination and Policing Committee in February. However, the scrutiny panel will need to have an understanding of the links with drugs when considering what recommendations should be made at the end of the scrutiny process.

8. Funding exists for a short research project to be commissioned to test the hypothesis that increasing gun crime is symptomatic of increasing drug crime and that reducing drug crime will therefore reduce gun crime. The research project will use information already within the public domain to correlate demand and supply for drugs and guns across London and correlate the overall trends in drug crime with firearms offences. The project will also examine investigations carried out by Operation Trident to identify any links with drug crime and will explore areas of best practice.

9. An academic researcher will be identified to undertake this project. An initial report will be required by mid July to feed into the consultation process with a final report to be delivered by the end of September. An honorarium of around £5000 will be offered in accordance with the amount proposed for research students by the Stop and Search scrutiny. The Clerk has confirmed that this figure will be made available within existing budgets.

10. Additional support will be provided by MPS Internal Consultancy Group at no extra cost to the MPA.


11. Research to meet a number of the objectives is already underway and will be complete by the end of June, shortly followed by written consultation at the beginning of July. Evidence hearings will commence at the end of July and continue during September to be followed by preparation of the final report and a period of consultation. The final report will be presented to Co-ordination and Policing Committee in January 2004. A programme of panel meetings has been set for the initial stages of the scrutiny.

C. Equality and diversity implications

12. Equalities and diversity will be key issues during the scrutiny. Work to clarify the overall trends in gun crime will also focus on ethnicity, age and gender of victims and offenders. A specification for the project to explore the links between guns and drugs requests a correlation of data in relation to ethnicity, age, gender and location of offences. The scrutiny panel has also approved a list of consultees including representatives from relevant minority and faith groups, voluntary and community organisations to ensure their views are fed into the scrutiny process.

D. Financial implications

13. The scrutiny will be carried out within existing MPA resources. The proposed honorarium of £5000 has been allocated from within the MPA Secretariat budget.

F. Contact details

Report author: Sally Palmer, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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