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Report 4 of the 15 Dec 03 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and sets out the proposed process and timetable for the publication of the MPA self assessment report, required as part of the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment of the Authority.

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Initial performance assessment of the MPA

Report: 4
Date: 15 December 2003
By: Clerk


This report sets out the proposed process and timetable for the publication of the MPA self assessment report, required as part of the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment of the Authority.

A. Recommendation

That Members approve the suggested process including a member workshop arranged for December.

B. Supporting information

Initial Performance Assessment

1. In May 2003 the MPA full Authority received a report outlining the Audit Commission’s intention to carry out an Initial Performance Assessment on the GLA and functional bodies. Further discussions have now been held with the Audit Commission to clarify the proposed scope and timescale of the inspection. The MPA has been provided with a draft Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) document (Appendix 1), setting out the questions the Audit Commission intend to cover during their inspection. This document closely follows the Comprehensive Performance Assessment guidance used for local authorities. It will not be possible to use the APA self assessment framework as proposed in the original committee report. MPA officers have provided detailed comments on the KLOE document to the Audit Commission, who have made a number of amendments to reflect MPA input. The final version is expected in mid December.

2. As the first step in the IPA process the MPA must publish a self assessment by mid February 2004. The self assessment is designed to answer the questions set out in the Key Lines of Enquiry. The Audit Commission will use the self assessment when planning their on-site corporate assessment, due to take place in March/April 2004. A final judgement, scoring the performance of the MPA and commenting on the GLA group as a whole will be published by the auditors in November 2004.

Process and timescale

3. An initial version of the self assessment document is currently being prepared, using the guidelines on length and content set out by the Audit Commission. All members have been invited to attend a self assessment workshop in December. The workshop will present members with an opportunity to share their views on the strengths and weaknesses of the authority and to influence the draft self assessment.

Peer challenge

4. As part of self assessment the MPA is required to involve peers in a challenge process. The Improvement and Development Agency have been retained at a cost of around £5000 to carry out a three day peer challenge and to produce a written report for the authority and the Audit Commission. The peer challenge team is usually made up of three people, including one member of I&DeA staff. MPA officers have provided the I&DeA with the names of members from other police authorities suggested by the APA. The I&DeA will be inviting the chief executive of a local authority to act as the third member of the team.

5. Following the members’ workshop the I&DeA will be sent the draft self assessment report. Their three day on site visit will begin on either the first or second week of January with the final report to be received by the end of January. Members will receive a copy of this report, along with the amended version of the self assessment document at the Co-ordination and Policing Committee on 6 February 2004. The self assessment will be published on the MPA’s website by 15 February 2004.

C. Equality and diversity implications

6. The self assessment process requires the MPA to consider its performance on equality and diversity issues and it is anticipated that the self assessment document will cover this area in some detail.

D. Financial implications

7. The cost of the I&DeA will around £5000 plus expenses. The Audit Commission have indicated that they intend to meet the majority of this cost and it is anticipated that any remaining amount will be met from existing budgets.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Sally Palmer, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    GLA IPA – MPA: Key Lines of Enquiry. Track changes draft post consultation, 18 November 2003

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