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Minutes: 26 September 2002

Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 26 September 2002 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Cecile Wright (Chair)
  • Toby Harris (from agenda item 5)
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • R. David Muir
  • Graham Tope (up to agenda item 6)
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA Officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Julia Smith (Policy Officer, CDO)
  • Johanna Gillians (Senior Analyst)
  • Jude Sequeira (Policy Development Officer)
  • John Crompton (Committee Services)

MPS Officers

  • Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner), (up to agenda item 6)
  • Denise Milani, (Director, Development and Organisation Improvement Team)
  • Cressida Dick (Diversity Director)
  • Rowland Moore (Head of Positive Action Team)

Also attended: Lee Jasper (Policy Director on Equalities and Policing – Mayor’s Office.)

Part 1

1. Introduction and apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Cindy Butts and Peter Herbert.

The Chair welcomed those present to the first meeting of the Board, which was an important landmark in the development of the Authority.

2. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations of interests were made.

3. Chair and Members’ update

(Agenda item 3)

The Chair reported that the Planning, Performance and Review Committee had altered the dates of its meetings. Two of the new dates clashed with meetings of the Board and members might wish to amend the dates of its meetings on those days. Members indicated that the most practical solution would be to continue to meet on the dates originally scheduled, but to hold the meetings at 10.00 a.m. rather than at 2.00 p.m.

The Clerk reported that at the Authority meeting held earlier that day a question had been submitted by Asif Iqbal of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People. The questioner had been advised that a report from the MPS on how it responds to the needs of the disabled community, including the deaf and hard of hearing, would be submitted to the next meeting of the Board.

The Chair reported that she would be arranging to meet Mr and Mrs Lindo who had submitted a petition to the Authority meeting.

Resolved – That

  1. the Chair and Members update be noted; and
  2. the meetings of the Board scheduled to be held on 9 January and 13 March 2003 commence at 10.00 a.m.

4. Terms of reference of the board

(Agenda item 4)

The Board considered a report that set out the terms of reference for the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board and invited it to discuss the ways in which it would conduct its business. The Board agreed to consider this report which was despatched after the main agenda despatch.

The Deputy Commissioner welcomed the establishment of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board and extended an invitation for its Chair to join the MPS Diversity Board. R. David Muir explained that in his capacity as the Chair of the former Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee he had up to now been the current lead MPA representative on the Board. He would be happy to deputise for the EODB Chair if she was not able to attend a meeting. In this context, Rachel Whittaker stated that she was currently also a member of the MPS Diversity Board where she led on HR matters on behalf of the Authority. However, as Cecile Wright was also the Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee she felt it would be appropriate if she were to step down.

Members indicated that whilst supporting the general thrust of the proposed new term of reference 12 they felt that the scope of the scrutiny should be widened to carry out in-depth reviews of MPS diversity strategy or other relevant issues at least one a year, depending on resources for office support. These reviews could range from a formal scrutiny to one or more themed meetings on a particular subject. It was agreed that the final wording be agreed by the Clerk.

With regard to the forward agenda (paragraph 15) members commented that they did not think it appropriate to add any further new areas of work for the forthcoming year as there was a considerable amount of consolidation work to be done in implementing and monitoring existing policies and documents such at the GLA group best value review of equalities.

The Board requested that the performance data it received on stop and search be extended to include for example any correlation with judicial disposals and stop and search performance should be a standing item for the Board.

Members felt that the performance indicators should be extended to look at the wider criminal justice system to include service improvement plans etc from existing reports.

Resolved - That

  1. the additional terms of reference be submitted to the full Authority for approval, subject to the wording of the proposed new term of reference no. 12 being agreed by the Clerk;
  2. the Chair of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board be appointed to the MPS Diversity Board with R. David Muir to deputise;
  3. subject to the amendments outlined above the performance information requirements be agreed as set out in appendix 2 be agreed; and
  4. the schedule of meetings with partners and stakeholders at appendix 3 be agreed.

5. Equalities and diversity budget and work programme

(Agenda item 5)

A report was submitted concerning the draft equalities and diversity work programme and budget issues. The Board agreed to consider this report which was despatched after the main agenda despatch.

The MPS Diversity Director advised that she had discussed the work programmed in detail with MPA policy officers and was satisfied that there was no duplication between the items in the proposed work programme (appendix 2) and works which the MPS intended to carry out.

Members expressed disappointment that there was not a dedicated budget for the Board and that the MPS had decided not to make the transfer of the £280,000 for the MPA’s diversity work a permanent arrangement. This was especially so given that the sum involved represented a very small part of the MPS diversity budget and the fact that it had been confirmed that there would be no duplication of work. The Deputy Commissioner explained that the central diversity budget was a very small part of the total, the remainder of which was operational in boroughs and that parts of the central budget were being reduced to contribute to the overall budget savings required by the MPA.
In reply to a question, the Deputy Treasurer confirmed that the items listed as 1 to 12 in appendix 1 were growth items although the first item for the policy development officer was a committed item. The policy officer CDO said that extensive work had been carried out to ensure that the number and extent of the growth items had been kept to a minimum, and confirmed that a further check would be made on the figures before the budget was considered further. Because the £280,000 transferred from the MPS will cease to be available from April 2003 the total of the growth items appeared as £289,000 but it was important to bear in mind that in reality this was only £9,000 more than the figure for the present year.

Resolved - That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. the budget bid be submitted for consideration alongside other proposed new initiatives in the context of the overall budget.

6. Co-opted members

(Agenda item 6)

A report was submitted concerning the arrangements for appointing co-opted members to the Board.

A further report (agenda item 6a) was tabled which put some suggested nominees. In reply to questions, the policy officer CDO stated that it had not been possible to contact all the individuals named in the tabled report to ascertain whether they would wish to be appointed.

The Board noted that the tabled report contained the suggestion that there be named observers. The Board indicated that it did not support this approach as its meetings were open to members of the public.

The Board agreed that the number of co-optees should not exceed the number of appointed members (eight) but noted that there was no further statutory guidance on the appointment process. The meeting felt that a small number of co-opted members would provide additional areas of expertise but it would clearly not be possible to appoint members to cover the whole range of diversity issues.

The Board agreed that it would be important to be clear as to whether the co-opted members were being appointed in a personal or representative capacity, and that if they were appointed in a representative capacity that the member should be of sufficient seniority to be able to make decisions on behalf of their organisation.

The Board agreed that a balance of co-optees in a personal capacity and representative capacity should be identified and that young people was one area where expertise would be welcome. It would be preferable if a small group of members was to meet to identify suitable persons.
The policy officer CDO suggested that the Board might wish to appoint Lee Jasper, Senior Policy Adviser to the Mayor, at this stage and also consider appointing a representative of the Commission for Racial Equality in view of the close working relationship of both of these bodies with the MPA. Lee Jasper stated that he would be pleased to be appointed and would wish to nominate Rosemary Emodi as his named deputy in the event of his not being able to attend every meeting.

Resolved - That

  1. it be confirmed that a small number of co-opted members be appointed to the Board and not to have named observers;
  2. the full Authority be recommended to appoint Lee Jasper as a co-opted member with Rosemary Emodi as his named deputy; and
  3. the Chair and Kirsten Hearn meet to consider the appointment of further members to the Board – possibly to include a representative of the Commission for Racial Equality.

7. MPA Race Equality Scheme

(Agenda item 7)

An update was provided on the progress in implementing the MPA Race Equality Scheme.

Resolved –

  1. the Clerk’s action plan and functional and policy impact programme as contained in the Race Equality Scheme be agreed; and
  2. the developments on implementation be noted.

8. MPS Race Equality Scheme

(Agenda item 8)

An update was provided on the progress in implementing the MPS Race Equality Scheme.

Further to paragraph 6 the Board indicated that it would wish to be advised of the extent of delivery in all boroughs at its next meeting.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

9. Recruitment task force

(Agenda item 9)

The Authority established a recruitment task force at its meeting on 25 July. A report on its first meeting was presented and it was noted that the task force was due to undertake a fact finding visit to the training centre at Hendon on 30 September.

Kirsten Hearn asked that it be noted that she would not be able to attend the meeting on 30 September or indeed any meeting of the task force if they were held on Mondays.

R. David Muir, the Chair of the task force, stated that as the task force had finalised its terms of reference recommendation 2 could be withdrawn.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

10. Recommendation 61 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry

(Agenda item 10)

A report was submitted which informed members on the progress made by the MPS in progressing in recommendation 61 since the consultation exercise carried out by the MPA in 2001. The Board agreed to consider this report, which was despatched after the main agenda despatch.

Referring to the MPS response to the Home Office consultation members stated that it was a matter of regret that the Deputy Commissioner had written to the Home Office on 8 May 2002 without prior consultation with the Authority. An approach should now be made to the Home Office for the MPS to introduce a pilot for recording stops across the whole of London as there would be practical difficulties in introducing a more limited trial in a smaller geographical area.

Resolved – That

  1. the Chair of the Authority be requested to pursue the question of an approach being made to the Home Office for the MPS to introduce a pilot for recording stops across the whole of London; and
  2. further reports on this subject be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.

The meeting finished at 4.40 p.m.

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