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Report 10 of the 28 Nov 02 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and discusses the arrangements to lead, advise and monitor the MPA’s implementation of its Race Equality Scheme.

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An MPA race equality scheme external advisory reference group

Report: 10
Date: 28 November 2002
By: Clerk


This report discusses the arrangements to lead, advise and monitor the MPA’s implementation of its Race Equality Scheme. It proposes the development of an external Race Equality Advisory Reference Group.

A. Recommendations

That the Board

  1. agrees the setting up of a external Race Equality Scheme Advisory Reference Group; and
  2. agrees member representation on this group.

B. Supporting information

1. This report discusses arrangements to advise upon and monitor the implementation of the MPA’s race equality scheme.

2. In part, the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board arose out of the arrangements set out in the MPA’s race equality scheme and was given the following role:

  1. to propose the co-ordination of race equality and diversity activities in order to minimise duplication;
  2. to delegate work;
  3. to call MPA committee chairs or MPS directorates to account for actions taken, or not taken, which could have an adverse impact upon performance in equality matters;
  4. to set action plan and work programme priorities.

3. Through this and the subsequent terms of reference developed, the Board’s role is to deal with the full range of diversity matters within the MPA, not solely race equality matters.

4. However, with the Board’s wide-ranging agenda in mind, MPA officers are proposing that the Authority sets up a Race Equality Advisory Reference Group to provide more specific advice as well as scrutiny with regard to the MPA’s implementation of its race equality scheme. The Reference Group would comprise interested members and appropriate external representatives, supported by the officers.

5. Officers consider a reference group of this kind would be beneficial for several reasons. It will:

  1. Enable clear scrutiny on the implementation of the MPA and MPS Race Equality scheme;
  2. Allow broader community transparency of the MPA’s work.
  3. Enable the Board to focus on strategic matters relating to implementation bought by the Reference Group.
  4. Help drive forward implementation at local levels, including Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs).

6. A proposal was made to the MPS to have a unified steering group that would deal with both schemes, but the MPS favoured retaining the present arrangements. Officers are of the view that the current arrangement does not significantly allow for external participation and scrutiny. The proposed Reference Group with membership from key external organisations and individuals will bring a level of objectivity and challenge to the Authority and service which is currently not in place. The proposal has the support of the CRE, which are prepared to co-ordinate meetings in partnership with the MPA. The model will also be used as good practice to other police authorities and services.

7. Members are therefore requested to approve the setting up of an MPA reference group to drive the MPA’s implementation forward. It is proposed that:

  1. An MPA member chairs the group.
  2. The group would meet monthly in the first year but this would be reviewed after the results of the Audit Commission inspection.
  3. About 10 places are offered to external parties, with invites extended to other parts of the GLA group, the CRE and racial equality councils, voluntary and community groups, community and police consultative groups, academic institutions, the APA, staff associations and interested individuals.
  4. The group is directed by and reports to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board.

8. The role of the group would be to advise upon and monitor the MPA’s implementation of its own and the MPS scheme, with specific emphases being given to:

  1. impact assessments;
  2. policy and functional priorities;
  3. consultation arrangements;
  4. monitoring arrangements
  5. monitoring feedback and analysis;
  6. performance indicators;
  7. reporting arrangements;
  8. training needs;
  9. local monitoring groups;
  10. employment targets and monitoring.

9. The external reference group would also have a role in promoting and communicating the Authority’s progress to the community. There are a number of networks set up which will enable MPA officers to work with, learn from and share practice with other public authorities on the above matters. These include networks comprising the GLA group, London councils and south east area police forces and authorities.

10. Officers recognise the risk of duplication and the capacity limitations of other agencies and the community to participate in yet another group. However, a police authority’s position is unique and the task ahead for the MPA with respect to the MPS is significant. Members are therefore asked to agree the establishment of a reference group and indicate if they are interested in participating in this group.

11. The alternative approach, to report regularly on the progress against the action plan as outlined in paragraph 8, to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board has the potential to skew the agenda of the Board in a way members may find unacceptable.

C. Equal opportunities and diversity implications

The arrangements proposed will help instill greater confidence in London’s communities in the work the MPA is doing to meet the General and Specific Duties of the Race Relations Amendment Act. By working in a transparent way and encompassing the advice of the community, the MPA will be more likely to implement the race equality scheme in a way that is most effective and relevant to communities.

D. Financial implications

The administration of this group will be carried out by the MPA’s Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit. Payment of out-of-pocket expenses of external representatives is also suggested. These costs must be met from existing budgets.

E. Background papers

  • MPA Race Equality Scheme

F. Contact details

Report author: Jude Sequeira

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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