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Report 13 for the 09 Jan 03 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and presents a revised proposal on the arrangements to advise upon and monitor implementation of the MPA and MPS Race Equality Schemes.

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Race Equality Schemes Reference Group

Report: 13
Date: 9 January 2003
By: Clerk


This report presents a revised proposal on the arrangements to advise upon and monitor implementation of the MPA and MPS Race Equality Schemes. It proposes the development of a joint MPA/MPS external reference group.

A. Recommendation

That the Board agrees to the setting up of an MPA/MPS Race Equality Scheme External Reference Group as proposed in the report.

B. Supporting information

1. Members will recall that at the last meeting of this Board on 28 November 2002, they considered a report proposing the development of an External Reference Group to advise upon and monitor the implementation of the MPA’s race equality scheme. Members asked that this proposal be reconsidered with a view to merging/streamlining the existing arrangements between the MPA and MPS.

2. In line with members’ instructions, discussions have been held between MPA and MPS officers and the CRE to agree a combined monitoring arrangement that will satisfy the obligations publicised in our respective schemes. The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), as a key partner, is also eager to support the MPA and MPS in any joint initiative to progress the implementation of the schemes. Proposed arrangements are outlined below.

3. Both the MPA and MPS want to ensure proper arrangements are in place to ensure the practical implementation of the schemes and therefore recognise the need to retain internal working group processes for progressing action plans. However, each also recognises the value that could be obtained from a new joint composite committee with external representation to oversee issues of strategic implementation and monitoring.

4. The MPS has agreed to review the membership of its Race Relations Act Steering Group. Currently, this comprises representation from the relevant MPS units, staff association representatives, community members from the independent advisory groups and racial equality councils as well as officers from the MPA, GLA and CRE. However, the MPS has signalled it would consider development of a joint MPA/MPS reference group and that a streamlined approach might be achieved. It would still retain an arrangement to progress internal implementation of the scheme and gain an overview of the progress of the various directorates.

5. For the joint reference group, MPA and MPS officers propose that is convened along the following basis:

  1. The group is an officers’ group.
  2. The MPA policy lead for equalities and diversity and an MPS officer co-chair the group.
  3. The group would meet every two months, commencing at a time subject to the agreement of this Board and the Director of Diversity.
  4. 4-5 places are to be offered to external organisations to include the GLA, the CRE, the Association for London Government and representatives from the racial equality councils, Black Londoners Forum and Refugee Council.
  5. The group will produce joint reports and updates to both the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board and the MPS Diversity Board and Forum.
  6. The working papers will comply with the Freedom of Information Act provisions.

6. The role of the group would be to advise upon, monitor and communicate the MPA/MPS development of:

  1. Impact assessments;
  2. Policy and functional priorities;
  3. Consultation arrangements;
  4. Monitoring arrangements
  5. Monitoring feedback and analysis;
  6. Performance indicators;
  7. Reporting arrangements;
  8. Training needs;
  9. Local monitoring;
  10. Employment targets and monitoring.

7. Such an arrangement will seek to be a ‘good practice’ model in joint working between the MPA and MPS and one which has received strong support for the Commission for Racial Equality. As a new structure, the Reference Group’s efficacy will have to be reviewed. This will be covered in the regular reports to the MPA and MPS boards. Should the arrangements need to be modified or reconsidered as a matter of urgency, it is proposed that this is delegated to the Clerk and the Deputy Commissioner to resolve, and brought to the attention of the Boards where necessary.

8. Members are asked to agree the establishment of the reference group.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The arrangements proposed will help instil greater confidence in London’s communities of the work the MPA and MPS is doing to meet the General and Specific Duties of the Race Relations Amendment Act. By working in a transparent way and encompassing the advice of the community, the MPA and MPS will be more likely to implement the race equality scheme in a way that is most effective and relevant to communities.

D. Financial implications

The administration of this group will be carried out jointly between the MPA’s Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit and the MPS Diversity Directorate. Payment of out-of-pocket expenses of community representatives is also suggested. It is anticipated that these costs can be met from existing budgets.

E. Background papers

MPA report to Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board 28 Nov 2002, MPA Race Equality Scheme External Reference Group

F. Contact details

Report author: Jude Sequeira, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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