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Report 9 of the 1 May 03 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and updates members on the progress of the scrutiny into the disproportionality aspects of stop and search.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Stop and Search Scrutiny

Report: 09
Date: 1 May 2003
By: Clerk


This report updates members on the progress of the scrutiny into the disproportionality aspects of stop and search.

A. Recommendation

The Board is asked to note the progress of the scrutiny into stop and search.

B. Supporting information

1. The Board agreed to the MPA carrying out a scrutiny into stop and search. This report updates members on progress since the last meeting and sets out a project plan for noting.

2. Project management arrangements are now in place to take the scrutiny forward. These comprise internal management meetings, the setting up of a project steering group, the formulation of a product plan and the administrative support identified. A project plan incorporating key products is shown in Appendix 1.

3. Since the Board’s last meeting, invite letters have been sent out to nominated panellists. At the time of writing this report, we are awaiting their confirmation of interest. One additional MPA member, Eric Ollerenshaw, has chosen to participate as a panel member and the Board is asked to note and welcome this. Preliminary correspondence and discussions with MPS officers have taken place. The next phase comprises the briefing of panellists, briefings and presentations, as well as the detailed commissioning of research/reports and the preparation of the scrutiny hearing timetable.

Risk management

4. Concern about the slow development of the scrutiny is acknowledged. Now the product plan is in place, this will assist the Board in tracking progress. Key risks have also been identified and are outlined below:

  1. The Board’s work programme and obligations under the Race Relations Amendment Act will continue to stretch and divert the Authority’s staffing resources. A series of internal meetings have been set up to oversee progress of the project and assess other work priorities/developments. A project steering group will also be set up to advise on the scrutiny and to monitor progress against the project plan. It is proposed updates are provided at every other meeting of the Board to reduce reporting lines and report requirements.
  2. The Authority requires MPS support with the scrutiny, both in terms of valuing the work and in providing practical and advisory assistance. A letter has been sent to the Deputy Commissioner outlining the support required and liaison with MPS officers to date indicates a good degree of interest in the scrutiny. Briefings and presentations on the aims of the scrutiny to key interested parties within the MPS are also proposed.
  3. The Authority is also conducting simultaneous scrutinies into gun crime and fatal incidents in custody. Project managers are liaising on project plans to ensure members can participate fully in the processes involved and to ensure sufficient scope in the Authority’s decision-making timetable is available.
  4. The involvement of non-MPA representatives and police representation in the panel is crucial but adds complexity to the management and timing of the process. An early briefing process has been built into the project plan to ensure all panel members are aware of the process and their roles/responsibilities.
  5. The draft terms of reference received significant comment at the time of the last Board meeting. In view of the need to get the scrutiny moving, a new version has not been issued, and so the draft is retained as the main reference document. However a more detailed scoping of the project will emerge as the scrutiny progresses and the initial research narrows down the key issues.

Communication strategy

5. A communication strategy will be developed with the objective of ensuring the work of the scrutiny is widely publicised to those it may interest, the public generally and those who will be contributing to the work. Members are invited to identify stakeholders who they consider should be included in a general briefings process.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The disproportionate number of black and Asian people being stopped and searched is the central issue to the scrutiny.

D. Financial implications

The scrutiny is being carried out within an amount set aside from the Authority’s diversity budget and through the use of existing staff resources.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Jude Sequeira

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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