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Report 15 of the 17 Jul 03 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and discusses the 2004/05 budget and medium term financial plan, with guidance on equalities.

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2004/05 budget and equalities guidance

Report: 15
Date: 17 July 2003
By: Treasurer and Commissioner


The Mayor published his guidance for the preparation of the 2004/05 budget and medium term financial plan on 30 May 2003. This included specific guidance on equalities. The equalities guidance is attached and key elements highlighted in the report. A proposed timetable for producing the equalities submission to co-ordinate with the overall authority submission is set out.

A. Recommendations


  1. note the equalities guidance for 2004/05 issued by the Mayor; and
  2. agree the proposed timetable and the suggestion for a sounding board of members to be available to review the submission (paragraph 11).

B. Supporting information


1. The Mayor has published his full budget guidance for 2004/05 budget submissions. The full document is available on the MPA website and on application to the Secretariat (020 7202 0181).

2. Much of the guidance follows the pattern which has been developed over the previous three years. This report highlights the key elements and significant changes, and outlines the process that will be followed to produce the MPA budget submission.

Content of submission

3. As in previous years the submission should comprise a three-year budget plan with a corresponding business plan, a budget and equalities submission and a five-year capital spending plan.

Policy objectives

4. The policy objectives set by the Mayor are both general and specific. All functional bodies are expected to support, as appropriate, the implementation of the Mayor’s statutory and other strategies and policies. A further objective for all bodies is implementation of the Equalities for All Service Improvement Plan arising from the Best Value review (to which the MPA contributed). The latter will naturally form part of the budget and equalities submission. For the MPA three specific objectives are set as follows:

  • Development of options and supporting implementation plans and costings for increasing police numbers to 35,000 over the next 3 to 5 year period.
  • Implementation of recruitment and retention practices that deliver substantial progress to a representational workforce and minimise black and minority ethnic and female leavers.
  • Development of options and implementation of plans to increase the safety and security of women.

Budget and equalities guidance for 2004-05

5. There is separate detailed guidance for the budget and equalities submission. This is attached at Appendix 1 for members.

The submission

6. The submission should include both a commentary on the main equalities issues facing the MPA/MPS and supporting data, budget and financial analyses. The commentary should include:

  • An overview on the main thrust of equalities policy over the three years 2004-05 to 2006-07 stating what is expected to be achieved in that period. The commentary should also highlight any areas where progress on equalities is being significantly hampered by lack of resources.
  • An up to date assessment of progress on the operational Service Improvement Plan (following the Equalities for All Review). This should include an assessment of progress made on the Race Equality scheme and progress on achieving Level 5 of the London Government Equalities Standard by 2005.
  • An assessment of progress in responding to recommendations of the budget and equalities process report approved by the Mayor on 27 May 2003.
  • An assessment of equalities related outcomes of major service expenditure (this could alternatively be included on the forms included in the Appendix to this report).

Budget and equalities return

7. Information is also required by way of a return (pp 6-26 of Appendix 1). This is intended to complement the main equalities issues facing the MPA/MPS. It is designed to give a reasonably accurate overview of the main expenditure areas in the budget. It asks for details of directed to benefit equality target groups, both within the workforce and in the public at large. In the case of services, it also seeks information on services targeted at social inclusion target groups, where appropriate.


8. As in previous years, the budget and equalities process will be supported and monitored through a series of meetings with the Mayor’s representatives supplemented by officer meetings. The deadline for submitting the overall draft budget (including the equalities submission) to the Mayor is 10 November 2003.

MPA timetable

9. The guidance was formally received on 30 May. Planning for the 2004/05 budget process had already started and the MPS has established its internal timetable for developing medium term financial information. Equality related review is part of this process and work has commenced in a number of areas, for example:

  • The review of 2002/03 outturn will identify potential variations on the 2003/04 equality related budget and therefore the base position for the 2004/05 budget and medium term plan.
  • Specific ongoing budget pressures are being identified and clarified,

10. The following is an outline timetable for MPA consideration of the 2004/05 equalities budget as they are developed.

Date Meeting Activity
17/07/03 EODB Consideration of budget and equalities guidance
June-August Meetings of relevant officers Review work – develop draft submission to meet requirements of the Mayor’s office
16/10/03 EODB Draft equalities and budget submission and recommendations to MPA
30/10/03 MPA Approval of draft 2004/05 budget submission and medium term plan
Late November/December GLA Budget and Equalities Meeting To discuss submission with Mayor’s Adviser and GLA officers
09/12/03 MPA Review of draft budget submission following grant settlement

11. Members’ attention is drawn to the lengthy gap between the June and October meetings. Bearing in mind the small amount of time between the 16 October meeting of EODB and the submission date of 30 October it would be helpful if members would indicate if a small sounding board of say up to three members, including the Chair would be available to review work/offer comments on a ‘near final’ draft prior to the October Board meeting.

12. Consultation with stakeholders will also need to be set up within the budget timetable.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The budget and equalities submission will be an integral part of the overall package of information submitted to the Mayor.

D. Financial implications

The equalities budget and set the resource parameters for the MPA and MPS over the plan period.

E. Background papers

Mayor’s guidance referred to in paragraph 1.

F. Contact details

Report authors: Ken Hunt

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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