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Report 8 of the 02 September 04 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and this report reviews the arrangements for appointing co-opted members to the Board and outlines the process of seeking nominations.

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Format of Meetings and Co-Opted Members

Report: 08
Date: 02 September 2004
By: Clerk


The report reviews the arrangements for appointing co-opted members to the Board and outlines the process of seeking nominations. It also asks members to consider a change to the format of some of the meetings.

A. Recommendations

  1. the arrangements for the appointment of co-opted members be reviewed and nominations be sought;
  2. subsequently the names of the co-opted members be submitted to the full Authority at its meeting on 30 September for ratification; and
  3. members approve the changes to the format of the meetings of the Board as outlined at paragraph 8.

B. Supporting information

Co-opted Members


1. Since it was established in 2002 the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board has had co-opted members. These have been a mixture of people representing relevant organisations and some who were appointed as individuals. It is considered that the value of co-opted members has been threefold: it means that the total membership of the Board reflects a broader range of people and people from different equalities groups, it enables the Board to gain a greater insight into equalities issues faced by particular communities and the co-optees are able to feed back any learning points into their own community or organisation.

2. There are a few ground rules which apply to co-optees: they are non-voting and they do not count toward the quorum of the Committee. The MPA expects them to abide by its code of conduct in the same way as MPA members. The appointments are renewable annually although the membership of a co-opted member will deem to have lapsed if he or she misses three or more consecutive meetings. The names of co-optees have to approved by the full Authority.

Decisions required

3. The Board is asked to confirm that it wishes to continue to appoint co-opted members and if so, to indicate whether they are to be appointed for a whole year or for a shorter fixed period - for example, to assist in a particular piece of work. To maintain a balance between full and co-opted members it is suggested that there be no more than four co-opted members.

4. The Board may wish to review its membership and expertise and decide whether there are any gaps in equality and diversity groups represented and whether it would be helpful to co-opt someone from any missing equality group(s). The Board will also be seeking to identify key work areas it intends to pursue in the year and as part of that process may wish to consider whether specific expertise from a relevant community should be sought or whether the Board already possesses such expertise either through direct membership of a particular group or through familiarity with the subject matter.

5. Members may consider that the involvement of the policy director for policing and equalities GLA, has been of particular benefit to the Board and should continue. Members are asked to consider how they would wish to seek nominations for the remaining three places. It is suggested that nominations be sought which together with the appointed membership would mean that the total membership would encompass as many equality groups as possible with particular emphasis on the priority areas for the year.

6. Members may wish to consider the following groups when deciding who to appoint:

  • Refugees and asylum seekers
  • Young people
  • Older people
  • Disabled people

7. It is important to be clear in each case whether the appointment is being made in a personal capacity or whether the co-optee is representing a particular named organisation. It is suggested that the Chair and Deputy Chair make decisions on specific appointments following the meeting so that the co-optees can be in place for the next meeting of the Board.

Format of meetings

8. The terms of reference of the Board cover a wide range of activities. It is not proposed to change the present basic format of the meetings which is to have a short presentation followed by reports covering a wide range of topics. However, there may be opportunities from time to time to set up a less formal session around a particular theme. This would enable the Board to look at particular issues in greater detail or to hold a short scrutiny exercise. Specific invitations could be sent to relevant groups who could be invited to contribute to the discussion. Topics to be covered by this process would be identified in consultation with the Chair.

C. Race and equality impact

The report suggests co-opting members from a range of groups including those under-represented and traditionally discriminated against.

D. Financial implications

None save for the reimbursement of travel expenses for the co-opted members which will be met from within existing estimates.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton

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