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Report 13 of the 02 September 04 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and this report presents a proposal to the EODB to establish a working group to lead on oversight of all 55 Recommendations from the MPA Scrutiny on MPS stop and search practice.

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Scrutiny on Stop and Search Working Group

Date: 02 September 2004
By: Clerk


This report presents a proposal to the EODB to establish a working group to lead on oversight of all 55 Recommendations from the MPA Scrutiny on MPS stop and search practice.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the Board agrees to establish an MPA Working Group to oversee the implementation of the Scrutiny on Stop and Search as proposed in this report.
  2. That, if approved, members volunteer to sit on the working group.

B. Supporting information

1. As part of the responsibilities of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board (EODB) to scrutinise areas of police performance that have a specific impact on equality and diversity issues, the MPA approved the need for a scrutiny to be undertaken to address the disproportionality of stop and search rates.

2. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry identified that this issue has led to the corrosion of trust and confidence between black and minority ethnic communities, and the police, and that “the need to establish trust between minority ethnic communities and the police is paramount”.

3. The report of the MPA Scrutiny on MPS Stop and Search Practice was published on 4 May 2004. The scrutiny made 55 recommendations for action by the MPS, MPA and 12 other public authorities across government sectors.

4. The MPS has established mechanisms to enable progress against the 32 recommendations which apply specifically to itself. This work is led by the Stop and Search Steering Group, chaired by DAC Howlett, Chief of Staff to the Commissioner, and includes MPA representation (John Roberts and Peter Herbert) and external advisers. Cecile Wright, the former chair of EODB who chaired the scrutiny panel, is on the Steering Group at the personal invitation of the Commissioner and she chairs the sub-group taking forward the action plan.

5. However, 23 recommendations require action by organisations other than the MPS. Therefore, a structure is required to enable members to oversee responses to both MPS specific, and wider recommendations providing a global overview of progress across the issues highlighted by the scrutiny panel. Originally it was envisaged that this function should be carried out by EODB itself, recognising the importance of maintaining momentum of the implementation of the scrutiny recommendations. It has become apparent to officers that the scale of the work involved in maintaining an appropriately detailed level of oversight would effectively swamp the Board’s capacity to conduct its other business. It is therefore proposed that a stand alone working group be set up to receive progress reports from the MPS Steering Group and to take forward directly the progress on recommendations to other bodies.

6. The formal role of the group would be to co-ordinate oversight of, and progress against, the full 55 recommendations from the Scrutiny on Stop and Search, and to report to EODB at each meeting.

7. If agreed, it is suggested that the working group should:

  • include MPA members, MPA officers, MPS officers and external representation.
  • be chaired by a member
  • meet monthly
  • report to the EODB

It would be for the first meeting of the working party to determine its terms of reference, frequency of meetings and the extent and nature of external participation.

C. Race and equality impact

The scrutiny panel has contributed significantly to the MPA’s efforts to recommend approaches to stop and search which reduce perceptions of discriminatory police practice and increase levels of trust and confidence in the police among black and minority ethnic communities.

Members must feel confident that all 55 recommendations are progressed adequately and within appropriate timescales in order to continue to work to positively affect low levels of confidence in the MPS among black and minority ethnic communities.

D. Financial implications

The administration of this group will be met by the MPA from existing budgets.

F. Contact details

Report author: Hamida Ali, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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