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Report 15 of the 02 September 04 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and this report contains a proposed timetable for producing the equalities submission to co-ordinate with the overall authority submission.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

2005/06 Budget and Equalities Guidance

Date: 02 September 2004
By: Treasurer


The Mayor has published his guidance for the preparation of the 2005/06 budget submission. This included specific guidance on equalities. The equalities guidance is attached and key elements highlighted in the report. A proposed timetable for producing the equalities submission to co-ordinate with the overall authority submission is set out.

A. Recommendations

1. note the equalities guidance for 2005/06 issued by the Mayor; and

2. agree the proposal for drawing up the submission (paragraph 8).

B. Supporting information


1. The Mayor published his full budget guidance for 2005/06 budget submissions on 30 June.

2. Much of the guidance follows the pattern which has been developed over the previous four years. This report highlights the key elements and significant changes, and outlines the process that will be followed to produce the MPA budget submission.

Content of submission – general issues

3. As in previous years the submission should comprise a three-year budget plan with a corresponding business plan, a budget and equalities submission and a five-year capital spending plan.

Policy objectives

  • The policy objectives set by the Mayor are both general and specific. All functional bodies are expected to support, as appropriate, the implementation of the Mayor’s statutory and other strategies and policies. A further objective for all bodies is implementation of the Equalities for All Service Improvement Plan arising from the Best Value review (to which the MPA contributed). The latter will naturally form part of the budget and equalities submission.

Budget and equalities guidance for 2005-06

4. There is separate detailed guidance for the budget and equalities submission. Specific guidance has been issued for the MPA and MPS and this is attached at Appendix 1.

The submission

5. The submission should include both a commentary on the main equalities issues facing the MPA/MPS and supporting data, budget and financial analyses. The commentary should include:

  • An overview on the main thrust of equalities policy over the three years 2005-06 to 2007-08 stating what is expected to be achieved in that period. The commentary should also highlight any areas where progress on equalities is being significantly hampered by lack of resources.
  • An analysis of 2005/06 expenditure specifically targeted at equality and social inclusion groups, suitably supported by policy plans and information concerning service improvements and targeted outcomes.
  • A return which is in standard format and is focussed on internal staffing and corporate issues human resource data and capital expenditure.


6. As in previous years, the budget and equalities process will be supported and monitored through a series of meetings with the Mayor’s representatives supplemented by officer meetings. The deadline for submitting the overall draft budget (including the equalities submission) to the Mayor is 8 November 2004

7. The following is an outline timetable for MPA consideration of the 2005/06 equalities budget as they are developed.

Date Meeting Activity
July-September Meetings of relevant officers Review work – develop draft submission to meet requirements of the Mayor’s office
02/09/04 EODB Consideration of the Mayor’s guidance and identification of priorities
28/10/04 MPA Approval of draft 2005/06 budget submission and medium term plan
Late Nov/Dec GLA Budget and Equalities Meeting To discuss submission with Mayor’s Adviser and GLA officers
07/12/04 MPA Review of draft budget submission following grant settlement

8. As there is not a meeting of the Board before the 28 October meeting of the full Authority it will be necessary to identify a process for approving the budget submission. It is suggested that this be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair. Other members are asked to indicate if they wish to be involved in this process.

9. Consultation with stakeholders will also need to be set up within the budget timetable and with the MPS on the development of its submission.

C. Race and equality impact

The budget and equalities submission will be an integral part of the overall package of information submitted to the Mayor.

D. Financial implications

The equalities budget and set the resource parameters for the MPA and MPS over the plan period.

E. Background papers

Mayor’s guidance referred to in paragraph 1.

F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton , MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Mayor of London

GLA Group Budget and Equalities Guidance for 2005-06

June 2004

Specific Guidance - MPA


As the general budget and equalities guidance makes clear, your overall submission should
consist three different elements. These are:

  • A review of your equalities priorities for the next three years
  • An analysis of expenditure specifically targeted at equality and social inclusion groups, suitably supported by policy plans and information concerning service improvements and targeted outcomes.
  • The Return Form which is in standard format and is focussed on internal and capital expenditure and human resources data

The general guidance covers the Return form. This guidance, which is specific to the MPA, covers the rest. Except where specific parts of MPA are indicated the information asked for is intended to cover MPA as a whole.

Priorities for the next three years

The general guidance asks you to provide a review of the main equalities priorities for the next three years, stating what you hope to achieve. This section should provide a commentary on the following:

Organisational development and strategic delivery

  • The way the MPA is currently organised to take forward the equalities agenda, and how you ensure equalities issues are mainstreamed
  • Your liaison and joint working arrangements with the MPS (e.g. how you plan to develop joint strategies, and ensure an equalities perspective underpins the whole of the Policing and Performance plan.)
  • An assessment of progress made on achieving Level 5 of the Local Government Equalities Standard by 2005 and on the progress of your Race Equality Scheme.
  • An up to date assessment of progress on your operational Service Improvement Plan (following the Equalities for All Review).
  • An assessment of progress in responding to recommendations of the budget and equalities 2004-05 Review, if not already covered.

Selected Priorities

  • An overview of your scrutiny plans (including disability and mental health scrutinies)
  • What differences you plan to the CPCG system over the next three years.
  • What changes if any do you mean to introduce to the Independent Custody visiting system
    over the next three years.

Please indicate if you feel that any of these areas are likely to be underfunded. In addition to the above you are welcome to add any other priorities you feel are appropriate. An analysis of your service expenditure specifically targeted at equality and social inclusion target groups.

This section needs to identify major expenditure items, identify the beneficiary group and provide commentary on the main targets/objectives which you plan to achieve in respect of each line of expenditure. For major programmes it may be both helpful and necessary to

enclose supporting papers which explain targets and objectives in more detail.

We would expect the section to cover:

  • Race Hate Crime Forum and working groups
  • CPCGs
  • Participation in local CDRPs
  • Other local diversity and race equality scrutiny.
  • Gender agenda implementation
  • DDA implementation
  • Consultation costs
  • Translation/ interpretation/different format costs.

The costs that need to be itemised should include:

  • Staff costs of staff who provide a specific service targeted at equalities groups.
  • Other relevant overhead costs
  • Direct costs of providing the service

Specific Guidance -MPS


As the general budget and equalities guidance makes clear, your overall submission should consist three different elements. These are:

  • A review of your equalities priorities for the next three years
  • An analysis of expenditure specifically targeted at equality and social inclusion groups, suitably supported by policy plans and information concerning service improvements and targeted outcomes.
  • The Return Form which is in standard format and is focussed on internal and capital expenditure and human resources data

The general guidance covers the Return form. This guidance, which is specific to the MPS, covers the rest. Except where specific parts of MPS are indicated the information asked for is intended to cover MPS as a whole.

Priorities for the next three years

The general guidance asks you to provide a review of the main equalities priorities for the next three years, stating what you hope to achieve. This section should provide a commentary on the following:

Organisational development and strategic delivery

  • The way the MPS plan to take forward the equalities agenda, and how you ensure equalities issues are mainstreamed, including DCC4 restructuring.
  • Any changes implemented as a consequence of the Home Office Breaking Through report
  • and the Race and Diversity Audit Template
  • An assessment of progress made on achieving Level 5 of the Local Government Equalities Standard by 2005 and on the progress of your Race Equality Scheme.
  • An assessment of progress made on meeting the requirements of the Disability
  • Discrimination Act.
  •  An up to date assessment of progress on your operational Service Improvement Plan
    * (following the Equalities for All Review).
  • An assessment of progress in responding to recommendations of the budget and equalities
    * 2004-05 Review, if not already covered.

Selected Priorities

  • An explanation of your recruitment strategy and how you plan to achieve ethnicity and gender specific employment targets
  • How you have reacted to the recommendations of the Ghaffur report and the Morris enquiry and the progress you have made on the recommendations you have accepted.
  • Your plans for reducing Hate crime, including hate crime directed at disabled people
  • Your plans for monitoring children as victims, witnesses and offenders
  • Your progress on implementing the recommendations in the London Domestic ViolenceStrategy (including each of the minimum standards for all agencies as well as those specific to the MPS)
  • How you are taking forward the "Gender Focus" programme.
  • Your plans for training

Please indicate if you feel that any of these areas are likely to be underfunded.

In addition to the above you are welcome to add any other priorities you feel are appropriate. In analysis of your budgeted 2005-06 service expenditure specifically targeted at equality and social inclusion target groups.

This section needs to identify major expenditure items, identify the beneficiary group and provide commentary on the main targets/objectives which you plan to achieve in respect of each line of expenditure. For major programmes it may be both helpful and necessary to enclose supporting papers which explain targets and objectives in more detail.

We would like supporting detail in this section to cover:

  • Community safety units, including a commentary on the staffing situation
  • Child protection
  • The safer schools partnership.
  • Diversity Directorate
  • Trident, Trafalgar and Matrix
  • Safer neighbourhoods. In particular please outline what steps are being taken to implement the Mayor's commitment for making parks and shopping centres safer, particularly for women and children. In addition please describe how you mean to ensure effective and representative community engagement with the programme

There may of course be other programmes where you consider the expenditure analysis should be supported by a more detailed commentary.

The costs that need to be itemised should include:

  • Staff costs of staff who provide a specific service targeted at equalities groups.
  • Other relevant overhead costs
  • Direct costs of providing the service

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