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Notes of the inquorate meeting of the Equal Opportunity & Diversity Board held on Thursday, 5 June 2008 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Kirsten Hearn (Chair)
  • Aneeta Prem (Deputy Chair),
  • Cindy Butts J
  • James Cleverly
  • Steve O’Connell

MPA officers

  • Jane Harwood (Assistant Chief Executive)
  • Annabel Adams (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Laurence Gouldbourne (Head of Equality and Diversity)
  • Julliett Fearon-Knott
  • Douglas Lewins (Policy Development Officers, Equality and Diversity Unit)
  • Melissa Wagstaff (Research Analyst)
  • John Crompton (Committee Services)

Fauzia Ashraf-Malik (Scrutiny and Reviews Officer) attended for agenda item 11.

MPS officers

  • Chief Superintendent Steve Bloomfield
  • Chief Superintendent Ian Harrison,
  • Glenn Alison
  • Ailsa Beaton (Director of Information)
  • Commander Alan Gibson (Head of Child Abuse Investigation)
  • DCI Seb Florent (Child Abuse Investigation)
  • Denise Milani Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus

Also present:

  • Stephen Lindsay, SN Panel member from Ealing
  • Adrian Bishop-Baggat, Palmers Green Ward CAPE
  • Helen Buckley, Lewisham CPCG
  • Satya Minhas, Hindu Council
  • Nathalie Stewart, Westminster Human Rights Equalities and Race
  • Marie Stewart, Director Taylor-Stewart Associates
  • Peter Collier, Waddon/Croydon Safer Neighbourhood Group

1. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

An apology for absence was received from Peter Herbert. A number of apologies from members of the invited community organisations were also submitted.

2. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No interests were declared.

3. Minutes – 3 April 2008

(Agenda item 3)

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2008 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

4. Follow up to the meeting on 3 April 2008

(Agenda item 4)

Noted that all outstanding points had been addressed.

5. Chair and Member’s update

No matters.

6. MPA management information report

(Agenda item 6)

The MPA management information report gives further detail on the EODB focus item and other equality and diversity information for hate crime, strength, recruitment and MPA staff figures.

The Research Analyst reported that an the update on Public Attitude and Crime Victim survey data analysis would be presented to the next meeting of the Board. She also clarified paragraph 5 by explaining that Public Attitude Survey is conducted on a rolling basis with results reported quarterly and annually.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted.

7. MPS report on focus item - equality and diversity as a function of citizen focus

(Agenda item 7)

This report identified the role equality and diversity plays within the Citizen Focus function of the Territorial Policing Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate and how this impacts on key initiatives including Safer Neighbourhoods, the Met Modernisation Programme, Transforming HR and victim and witness care.


1. that the decision upon restructuring and the present situation regarding continuing delivery within the area of citizen focus policing activities be noted;

2. the consequences of structural changes recently undertaken to support delivery of equality, diversity and citizen focused policing activities be noted; and

3. the key challenges for the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate as a result of the reorganisation be noted.

Report considered in conjunction with

8. Concurrent report by MPa on the focus item report

(Agenda item 8)

This report responds to the MPS report on the progress made across a range of activities by the Citizen Focus function of the Territorial Policing Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate (DCFD). It also considers the implications of the restructuring, mainstreaming and impact of DCFD’s move into Territorial Policing.

In introducing the report, the Head of Equality and Diversity said that it should be stressed that the DCFD would continue to have corporate responsibility for some core equality and diversity activities.


1. the report be noted; and

2. at every other EODB meeting reports be submitted from Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate (DCFD) on the impact of ‘mainstreaming’ DCFD on Territorial Policing, Human Resources and MPS corporate business.

9. Discussion on the focus item 

(Agenda item 9)

Standing Orders were suspended for this item to enable contributions to be made from non-members.

Comments on DCFD’s move into Territorial Policing

Aneeta Prem said that she welcomed the move in terms of reporting structures. Cindy Butts indicated that whilst accepting the change because of the close interface with the public within Territorial Policing during critical incidents etc the rest of the organisation had to understand that diversity and citizen focus was not just a TP matter. She would also welcome an accelerated roll out of Citizen Focus.

The Chair said that whilst welcoming the move she would seek reassurance about the resources to be devoted to continuing the corporate role. The Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus confirmed that all the Directorate Equality Scheme Action Plans from across the organisation would be monitored by DCFD.

In reply to a further question from the Chair about what would make things even better the Director said she though this could be summarised as continued leadership, continued support from the Management Board and the MPA.

Impact Assessment

Natalie Stewart said she had concerns that the impact assessment had not yet been produced. This should be done regardless of the cost so that all the changes could be assessed from the outset. Was there any indication of when an assessment would be carried out?

The Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus confirmed that an Impact assessment had not been produced as it was felt that a cost benefit analysis would be more useful carried out and provided to the Authority. This would be done by the end of the financial year.

Triage system at police stations

Aneeta Prem and the Chair asked for more information about this new system for helping people when they visit police stations. How would it be monitored and how would the success be measured? What training would be provided?

The Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus said that triage would be incorporated into a robust performance monitoring regime so it would be assessed. Chief Superintendent Harrison said that that the aim was that in future many visitors to police stations should only have to speak to one person and this would be within 5 to 10 minutes of arrival. There was a training package. Each borough was in the process of recruiting a front counter manager.

DCFD would produce cost-benefit analysis of the move into TP, together with any Equality Impact Assessment

Cindy Butts asked whether the move would affect the Together strategy. The Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus confirmed that Together remained an important strategy. Her Directorate would continue to work closely with HR, which leads on the strategy, and the Leadership Academy

RESOLVED – That the discussion be noted.

10. Mini-review of Directorate of Information

(Agenda item 10)

This report provided a mini-review of the Directorate of Information, which has thematic responsibility for all aspects of information, communications and technology.

In reply to a question from the Chair about how the Directorate could do to enhance the data collection capability. The Director of Information said there is a Forms Design Unit, which ensured that forms were as straightforward as possible, and could be in produced in accessible versions. Work was being carried out on the mobile data assistant devices, which were due to beg rolled out later. These had several advantages such as removing the need for data to be keyed in twice and it was envisaged that the devices would assist in the quality of the encounter with the member of the public. The MPS had received its share of Home Office funding for the new recording devices for stop and search.

Aneeta Prem asked about the diversity information being collected and whether there was an equalities action plan in the Directorate?

Patrick Philips advised that he was the Chair of the DoI Diversity Board and could confirm that the action plan had been produced and would be considered at the next meeting of the Diversity Board.

RESOLVED – that the report be noted.

11. Forced Marriages Civil Act 2007

(Agenda item 11)

This report provided a summary of the provisions of the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 which is due to be enacted in autumn 2008. Under the Act, where a forced marriage has or is about to take place, courts will be able to make orders to protect the victim or the potential victim and help/remove them from that situation. This includes courts granting a third party the right to act on behalf of, or represent the victim.

Aneeta Prem, MPA lead member on this issue, confirmed that she would be speaking at the APA conference and feedback would be provided. The Chair asked whether work was taking place with partner agencies to implement the provisions of the Act. Aneeta Prem reported that a lot of work had already been done but under-reporting remained a major concern.

Nathalie Stewart said she was concerned that young people did not seem to be informed on behaviour that could be classified as statutory rape. She would be taking up these concerns with schools in Westminster.

The Scrutiny and Reviews Officer indicated that this did not strictly fall into the remit of the new Act. The Head of Equality and Diversity advised that there was a particular grey area where the girl was 16 or 17. The monitoring system used by Child Protection Panels was not consistent across London. This meant that the police and other agencies could not work in a consistent manner.

James Cleverly felt that trust between the various BME communities and the authorities would be necessary to ensure that the Act worked properly.

Cindy Butts confirmed that the Domestic Violence Board was due to consider forced marriages at a future meeting. She felt the report was useful in identifying the gaps and further work would be necessary to demonstrate how the gaps would be filled.


1. the MPA Lead Member on Forced Marriages or relevant officer to be represented on the MPS Strategy Group on Forced Marriages within (Dis)Honour Based Violence (HBV); and

2. members receive an update report at January 2009’s EODB on the results of the pilots and feedback from the various workshops and MPA-led presentations on forced marriages.

12. Child Abuse Investigation command (CAIC)

(Agenda item 12)

The report provided members with an update to the Child Abuse Investigation Command (CAIC) submission to the meeting of the Board on 16 November 2006. It reviews the key equality and diversity issues in relation to community engagement, service delivery and employment. It also details the current situation around projects undertaken by the Command, particularly in the areas of sudden unexplained deaths of infants, female genital mutilation and the cross-border trafficking of children.

Members asked what positive action was being taken to create an environment in which those people working in the Commander people felt confident to provide information on issues of faith, disability and sexual orientation.

Commander Gibson stressed that reporting was encouraged and he did not believe there was anything systemic in the Command, which would prevent anyone from declaring a disability. Concerns around declaration of sexuality and faith were an issue across the organisation.

The Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus said she would confirm that considerable further work would be required to bring about the necessary cultural and attitudinal changes. The Director of Information felt that employees had not really been given an adequate explanation of why the information was being sought.

Karim Murji asked for more information about the child trafficking and international work of the Command.

Commander Gibson said the Command worked closely with the UK Immigration Service and at the airports. The countries of origin were predominately sub-Saharan Africa and from Eastern Europe.

Nathalie Stewart enquired whether the MPS found that some of the new communities in London were not fully aware of the definitions of non-consensual sexual intercourse. DCI Florent said it is accepted that there are cultural misunderstandings about statutory rape. Third party reporting was one way this could be tackled together with working closely with relevant statutory bodies.

Cindy Butts asked how the Command worked with other organisations for example when people presented at hospitals with relevant injuries. DCI Florent said there were good working relationships with other bodies both statutory and voluntary e.g. NSPCC was engrained in the methodology but there remained an issue about getting information from hospitals.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted.

13. Update on safer neighbourhoods

(Agenda item 13)

The report provided members with an update on the challenges highlighted within report considered by the Board at its meeting on 24 May 2007 and a number of the issues raised within the meeting. In particular an update on the demographics of Safer Neighbourhoods Teams (SNTs), current demographic information on Neighbourhood Panels and Youth Panels and work being done to include Deaf and Disabled people on the Panels

In response to comments from members on the level of detail in the report, the Head of Equality and Diversity explained that the report reflected the commissioning brief which he had drafted: the level of detail could be reduced in future reports if this would be more useful for members.

Aneeta Prem asked for more information on the 600 panel members who declined to provide information on one or more of the diversity strands and asked how were people recruited from the new communities?

Chief Superintendent Bloomfield reminded the meeting that there are 627 SN Panels and getting the information about the ethnic make up etc remained a challenge in some cases.

Adrian Bishop-Baggat of the Palmers Green Ward Community Action Partnership in Enfield explained the practice of bringing in extra representation to cover particular incidents. He referred to the Mosaic profile for the wards referred to in the report, which was very useful, but with the caveat that it the information was based on the last full census so was already 7 years out of date.


1. the report be noted; and

2. members receive a progress report on equality and diversity in relation to the development and composition of Safer Neighbourhood Panels in 18 months time.

14. Update report on MPS progress on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry recommendations

(Agenda item 14)

A report was submitted which provided further update on the progress of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Recommendations, looking at the key outcomes and successes for the MPS and the areas where challenges remain. The report also reflects the developments/improvements made since the previous report of 24 May 2007 and comments on the forward plans the MPS has in advancing the recommendations.

The Chair commented that it would be useful in future reports for information to be provided across the 39 recommendations so that specific areas of improvement could be identified. In reply, the Director of Diversity and Citizen Focus confirmed that this would be considered and felt that one approach would be to show the progress with reference to specific communities.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted.

15. MPS progress on the implementation of the Police Race and Diversity Learning and Development Programme 

(Agenda item 15)

The report provided members with details of progress on MPS implementation of the Police Race and Diversity Learning and Development Programme produced by the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Association of Police Authorities in November 2004.

The Head of Diversity Learning and Development said that if there was an obvious champion for the Programme at Management Board level this would assist with its implementation.

RESOLVED - That the work in progress be noted.

16. Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board work plan

(Agenda item 16)

The report provides members with details of the proposed work plan for the Board 2008 – 2009. It also summarised the Board’s key achievements in 2007 – 2008.


1. the achievements of the Board in 2007 – 2008 as outlined in paragraphs 4 – 21 be endorsed;

2. the key objectives for the Board as outlined in paragraph 22 and Appendix 1 be agreed; and

3. the Board’s workplan, which also includes the Morris workplan, outlined in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 be agreed.

17. Reports from EODB sub-groups

(Agenda item 17)

The Board was advised that the next meeting of the MPA Domestic Violence Board was due to be held on 8 July. Consideration was being given to the revised terms of reference for the Hate Crime Forum and they would be submitted to the Forum and the full Authority.

RESOLVED - That the oral report be noted.

The meeting closed at 4.09 p.m.

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