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Report 5 of the 30 May 02 meeting of the Estates Sub-committee and discusses the name for a new firearms and public order training facility and a new subsidiary building.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Name for the firearms & public order training facility at Gravesend and subsidiary building to new office accommodation at Hertford Road, Barking

Report: 05
Date: 30 May 2002
By: Commissioner


In accordance with the agreed procedures, members are requested to agree the name 'The Metropolitan Police Specialist Training Centre' for the new firearms and public order training facility currently being constructed under a PFI contract at Gravesend and to agree the name 'Eagle House' for the new subsidiary building at Hertford Road, Barking

A. Recommendations

That Members consider the following proposals:

  1. to name the new firearms and public order training facility at Gravesend, 'The Metropolitan Police Specialist Training Centre';
  2. to name the new subsidiary building at Hertford Road, Barking 'Eagle House'. (Note: Existing main building name remains unchanged as Hertford House)

B. Supporting information

1. In April 2002, the MPA Estates Sub Committee endorsed a procedure for the naming of MPA Buildings. This requires Property Services Department (PSD) to ensure that suggested names for buildings are acceptable to any party with a legal interest in the property and to seek endorsement from both the Resources Allocation Committee and the appropriate Management Board member before the proposal is submitted to the Estates Sub Committee for consideration and any necessary consultation within the MPA.

2. A name is required for the new firearms and public order training facility currently being constructed under a PFI contract at Gravesend and for new subsidiary building at Hertford Road, Barking.

Firearms and public order training facility, Gravesend

3. The PFI contractor has expressed his preference for the name to include the 'Metropolitan Police.'

4. Following consultation with senior MPS officers in both SO and CO, together with our PFI partner Equion, it is proposed the facility be named 'The Metropolitan Police Specialist Training Centre'.

Hertford Road, Barking

5. Following consultation with senior officers in Specialist Operations (SO), consideration is sought for the proposed name of 'Eagle House' for the subsidiary building at Hertford Road, to replace the current name of 'Gannetry House', at an approximate cost of £3500.

6. Consultation has taken place through SO with their MPA Link Member.

7. This arrangement is acceptable to Consignia.

C. Financial implications

Costs should not exceed £3500, which can be found from the Land and Buildings (L & B) Capital Budget.

D. Background papers

Estates Sub Committee – 4 April 2002: Policy and procedure for the naming of police buildings; report by the Commissioner.

E. Contact details

Report author: Trevor Lawrence, Director Property Services Department, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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