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Provision of recruitment advertising (including media buying) and publicity media buying for the Metropolitan Police Service

Report: 16
Date: 8 November 2001
By: Commissioner


A formal competitive tender exercise for a service contract and recommendation for award of contract.

A. Recommendations

That the Committee endorse the recommendation for the award of two service contracts for a period of three years with a possible two-year extension. The bulk (over 80%) of the estimated budget will be spent by the selected Media Buying Company buying Media Space on our behalf to support the recruitment and Directorate of Public Affairs (DPA) publicity campaigns. The balance of the estimated budget will be spent under a separate contract for Recruitment Creative Services.

B. Supporting information


1. Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) approval was sought to commence tender action for a replacement contract for the Provision of Recruitment Advertising and Publicity Media Buying Services at the Finance and Best Value Committee meeting on the 15 May 2001. Approval was received following that meeting.

2. The proposed contracts are for the provision of recruitment advertising services (design and media buying) for the MPS Personnel Department and a media buying (only) service for the MPS Directorate of Public Affairs and Internal Communications (DPA). The tender was split into three lots: -

  1. Creative Services – Personnel Department
  2. Media Buying – Personnel Department
  3. Media Buying – Directorate of Public Affairs

3. These contracts, when let, will be for three years with the provision to extend for a further two years. The total contract value over five years exceeds the Commissioner's delegated authority and therefore requires approval by the MPA.

Formal tender process

4. DPCS placed the OJEC advertisement and received 64 expressions of interest.

5. Technical and Commercial evaluation teams evaluated the expressions of interest.

6. 14 Companies were invited to tender.

7. The same Technical and Commercial evaluation teams evaluated the tenders.

8. All 14 companies were visited for ‘credential’ presentations.

9. Six companies were short listed for a presentation and interview.

10. Presentations were made to MPS Senior management and an MPA representative.

11. The recommendation is for award of two contracts to the companies that achieved the highest technical scores at prices that represent value for money.

C. Financial implications

The financial implications of the award of the contracts appear in the separate ‘exempt’ report to be considered at this meeting.

D. Background papers

Report 16 considered by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee on 15th May 2001

E. Contact details

Report author: Paul Knapp, MPS Department of Procurement and Commercial Services.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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