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Report 20 of the 21 Feb 02 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and discusses the Ministry of Defence's intention to dispose of the Hayes repository and the resultant PFI project.

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Hayes repository PFI

Report: 20
Date: 21 February 2002
By: Commissioner


This paper outlines the current position in regard to the Ministry of Defence's intention to dispose of the Hayes repository and the resultant PFI project. A more detailed verbal report will be given at the meeting.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The Hayes repository is owned and run by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The MPS and approximately 13 other government departments use the facilities to store mainly paper-based records. The MoD intends to dispose of the site and replace it with an alternative facility provided under PFI arrangements.

2. The current position is that the MoD has short listed two potential suppliers and is pressing all existing users, including the MPS, to make a commitment to the PFI route. A formal MPS Project Board has now been set up under the chairmanship of Derek Hubbard, Director Service Delivery Group, Directorate of Information, and has met on two occasions. An assessment is being made of the PFI bid against the in-house option of finding an alternative MPS site. A number of issues still need to be resolved, particularly around the Human Resources aspects of TUPE transfer.

3. The MoD has been informed that the MPS is not yet in a position to decide whether or not to commit to the PFI option.

4. It was intended to bring to this meeting a recommendation for approval on the way forward, but because of the outstanding issues this has not been possible. A more detailed verbal update will be given at the meeting.

C. Financial implications

There are significant financial implications inherent in this project as detailed in previous papers to the MPA, but no new ones from this paper.

D. Background papers

Report to the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee meeting on 6 December 2001.

E. Contact details

Report author: Derek Hubbard, Director Service Delivery Group, Directorate of Information, MPS.

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