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Report 19 of the 21 Feb 02 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and discusses the alteration and improvement works to Dagenham Police Station.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Alteration and improvement works to Dagenham Police Station

Report: 19
Date: 21 February 2002
By: Commissioner


This report considers the accommodation requirements for the Borough of Barking and Dagenham OCU and seeks approval to the medium term Borough accommodation strategy through alteration, extension and refurbishment works to Dagenham Police Station. 

This will bring the Dagenham custody suite and front office up to current standards and address the urgent need for repair and maintenance works to the building fabric. 

Time being of the essence this paper is referred to the FP&BV as a consequence of the cancellation of the January meeting of the Estates Sub-Committee.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to:

  1. note the business case to improve accommodation at Dagenham;
  2. determine whether to endorse the recommendation in support of the only viable Option in the Investment Appraisal, and if so, to
  3. support the medium term accommodation requirement to undertake alteration, extension and refurbishment works to the existing Dagenham Police Station.

B. Supporting information

1. This paper summarises the business case and investment appraisal for the medium term accommodation requirements of the Barking and Dagenham Borough OCU by undertaking alteration, extension and refurbishment works at Dagenham Police Station.

2. The Business Case produced by the Borough OCU (building user) details the current deficiencies in their accommodation and resulting operational inefficiencies. In summary these relate to:

  • Extension and upgrade of custody suite;
  • New toilet and shower accommodation (incl. disability provision);
  • Upgrade of front office;
  • Create new briefing room;
  • Improved environmental conditions.

3. The selected option has been endorsed by the Borough OCU and is considered a high priority

4. The investment appraisal (summarised at appendix 2 of the exempt paper and available in full in the Members Room) explains the long-term strategy for the Barking and Dagenham Borough OCU Headquarters, which is to construct a new headquarters building in Barking. However capital funds are not available and although this might be included in a future PFI project for northeast London, it is not considered likely to materialise during the next decade. The Appraisal therefore considers a 15-year period covering the short and medium term needs of the Borough OCU. It concludes that the best value option is to undertake alteration, extension and refurbishment works to the existing Police Station.

5. Six options are considered in the Investment Appraisal (which follows Home Office guidelines), which for reasons explained in the Appraisal are reduced to the only viable medium term option, which is:

"Alteration, extension and refurbishment works to the existing Dagenham Police Station to provide an improved custody suite, with improvements to the front office and other parts of the building, together with essential maintenance works."

6. The recommended option was based upon the following factors:

  • It is the only viable option that satisfied the medium term accommodation requirements in anticipation of the long-term strategy to provide a new build Borough OCU at Barking.
  • The other options considered, are impracticable, expensive, require a long time period, split the custody suite into separate buildings and are inconsistent with the Operational Building Strategy.
  • It represents the "Do Minimum" option and provides the best value.
  • Only a small amount of capital expenditure is required.
  • It would be convenient to include various items of essential repair and refurbishment works to the existing Dagenham building within the construction contract, to be funded from revenue expenditure (see item 6. below).
  • The improved and refurbished accommodation can be provided quickly and is currently programmed for completion by mid 2003.
  • If the long-term plan for a new Borough OCU is not achieved, then the two buildings at Barking and Dagenham could be capable of providing suitable accommodation for a further period (subject to any necessary alteration and refurbishment works).
  • This option would only require a small increase in annual revenue expenditure.

7. There is an urgent need to undertake repair and refurbishment works to the existing Dagenham building if it is to continue in occupation. This includes:

  • Re-roofing and various repair works resulting from the leaking roof.
  • Replacement of windows, which have reached the end of their life.
  • Refurbishment of the canteen since it cannot meet current hygiene standards which could force its closure.
  • Various mechanical and electrical works, including replacement of the standby generator.
  • Other minor works.

C. Financial implications

1. The Director of Finance confirms that the draft budget for 2002/03 and future years includes the necessary funding for this project.

2. The user has confirmed that the project remains of high priority. MPS Resource Allocation Committee gave approval to the project in January 2002. The costs have been included in future years budget bids with necessary adjustments to the overall programme agreed in principle with the user. The project was provisionally included in the Finance Planning & Best Value Committee approved capital programme for 2001/02 and in the quarterly update submitted to the FP&BV in July 2001. However timing is such that works and expenditure can now not start until 2002/03.

3. The capital and revenue costs (including fees and an allowance for DoI infrastructure works) for the alteration, extension and refurbishment works to the existing Dagenham Police Station will be subject to competitive tender and the estimate is in the exempt paper.

4. There would be a small increase in annual running costs for the Dagenham Police Station, due to an increase in floor area of approximately 73m2 and this is estimated at approximately £5,000 per annum.

5. The estimates are based upon a worst case scenario of no financial benefit accruing from local partnership initiatives.

6. There are no property purchases or sales associated with this project.

7. The cost of building works at Dagenham has been included mainly in the proposed capital programme for 2002/03, with a small amount of expenditure carried into 2003/04. Revenue expenditure is included in the overall project and would be required during the same period.

D. Background papers

  • Single Stage Investment Appraisal, (- in the Members Room)
  • Operational Building Strategy (OBS) – 1990
  • OBS Annual Review and Update – 2001/02

E. Contact details

Report author: Trevor Lawrence, Director Property Services Department, MPS.

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