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Report 9 of the 22 Apr 04 meeting of the Finance Committee and recommends establishing a member led police overtime review group.

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Police Overtime Review Group

Report: 09
Date: 22 April 2004
By: Treasurer


This report recommends establishing a member led police overtime review group. Terms of reference are proposed in the Appendix for comment.

A. Recommendation

That members

  1. agree the establishment of a police overtime review group;
  2. agree the suggested terms of reference in the Appendix; and
  3. nominate up to four members to the review group.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Committee’s last meeting on 19 February it was decided that the informal Budget Group would consider how best to take forward the review and scrutiny of overtime.

2. On 12 March the Budget Group considered the matter and decided that a report should be presented to this meeting of the committee bringing forward firm proposals for the establishment of a member led police overtime review group.

3. The Budget Group felt that the review group’s work should be time limited, sitting no longer than 3-6 months. It would ideally report findings, with recommendations, to the September, or possibly October Finance Committee. Although no firm view was reached it is proposed that up to four members be nominated to sit on the review group.

4. It is vital that best use is made of ongoing work, or work which it is proposed to commence in the near future. In particular it was felt that a valuable contribution could be made by the MPS police overtime review group chaired by the Director of Resources, and by Internal Audit who are about to commence a police overtime audit. The Audit Commission are also currently undertaking work in this area.

5. Draft terms of reference are attached at the Appendix 1. The purpose of the police overtime review group is to scrutinise the causes of and demand for police overtime and the pattern of MPS working that responds to this. The group will seek to identify where ownership and responsibility for overtime resides in the MPS and would seek to form a view on how well management controls and management information (both financial and non financial) are operating. The review will also need to consider whether local overtime planning contributes effectively and how shift patterns and roster arrangements contribute. All of this will be completed in the context of the financial impact of overtime on the budget.

6. It is proposed that the group will also look at the work/life balance in the context of overtime worked, particularly reviewing proactive measures, which may address these complex interdependencies.

7. The group would seek to draw conclusions from the review with a view to making firm recommendations for future action.

8. While the review group are likely to draw heavily on existing work, it may be necessary for the group to commission external consultancy to pursue specific issues. It may also be necessary to use consultants to ensure the tight timescales are met.

9. Part of the work will involve a detailed review of the 2003/04 financial outturn and the 2004/05 budget. It will probably be necessary to look at a number of BOCUs/ specialist units in detail, but this would probably be limited to 5/6 BOCUs plus a few specialised units in view of the time limitation. It will also be necessary to look at the reasons for overtime being worked by certain roles and individual officers.

10. This paper is still to be considered by the MPS Senior Management Team and any comments will be reported orally to the meeting.

C. Race and Equality impact

The focus of the review group will be on understanding how the planning and management of overtime impinges on the financial budgeting and expenditure of the Authority. The terms of reference as presently constructed will not directly be examining issues around equalities, for example possible disproportionality in allocation of overtime. However, any evidence gleaned from information, which may allow this to be pursued, will be made available to the MPA’s Head of Race and Diversity.

D. Financial implications

1. Until the review group meets and decides its detailed work programme and timetable it is difficult to identify any additional costs. It is however intended that any such additional costs will be met from existing budgets /funding sources.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Ken Hunt, Deputy Treasurer, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Draft terms of reference for Police Overtime Review Group

1. To consider and report on the causes of police overtime and to form a view as to whether areas that impact on overtime are properly identified, monitored and analysed. In particular, but not exclusively:

  • How the MPS identify and address the causes of police overtime
  • Review the impact of overall additional growth in police officer numbers on police overtime
  • Review Aid and its impact on police overtime
  • Review the impact of probationer levels on police overtime
  • Review the actual or predicted impact of ‘Safer Neighbourhoods’ and Specialist Operations work (in particular the heightened impact of counter-terrorism) on police overtime
  • Review the impact of sickness levels on police overtime

2. To consider and report on the pattern of MPS working regarding police overtime. In particular but not exclusively addressing:

  • Local management planning
  • Processes for agreeing shift patterns and rosters
  • Local budgeting, authorisation and management of police overtime
  • Possible cultural or institutional issues around the planning or working of police overtime
  • Proactive measures to address issues of work / life balance

3. To consider and report on ownership, responsibility and leadership issues concerning police overtime. In particular but not exclusively addressing:

  • Central control and its effectiveness: Territorial Policing, Deputy Commissioner’s Command, Specialist Operations, Resources Directorate
  • Role of central Human Resources Directorate
  • Role of Department of Information
  • Role of devolved management: BOCUs and specialised units
  • Role of MPS Management Board
  • Role of MPA

4. To investigate and report on the opportunities for ‘spend to save’ around police overtime. To include opportunities for supporting any recommendations that the MPS may wish to consider, e.g. investing in overtime data analysts and upgrading of management information systems for overtime

5. To investigate and report on opportunities for better working with agencies and partners, particularly with the CPS and courts

6. To assess and report on the opportunities for the introduction and monitoring arrangements for performance measurement around police overtime.

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