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Report 14 of the 22 Jul 04 meeting of the Finance Committee and this report sets out the recommended sourcing and packaging strategy for the re-tendering of the Facilities Management (FM) services provided through existing outsource contracts and other FM services

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Proposed Sourcing And Packaging Strategy For The Future Provision Of Facilities Management Services

Report: 14
Date: 22 Jul 2004
By: Commissioner


The linked exempt report sets out the recommended sourcing and packaging strategy for the re-tendering of the Facilities Management (FM) services provided through existing outsource contracts and other FM services presently provided by way of separate independent contracts. The Committee’s approval of this strategy is sought together with approval to issue OJEU notices to commence procurement action, including selection of contractors to proceed to invitation to negotiate and to agree interim arrangements to ensure the safe and effective transition to the new service providers.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to approve the strategy and subsequent procurement procedures detailed in the linked exempt report.

B. Supporting information

1. Originally two outsource contracts were let in October 1998 with a commencement date of 1 January 1999. Each contract was for a term of five years with facility for possible extension of up to two years thereafter.

2. One contract was for Facilities Management services, the second for Direct Labour services.

3. In April 2003 recommendations were approved by the Finance Committee to enter into interim outsource arrangements which enabled an in depth review of the Property Services Sourcing and Packaging strategy for outsourced Facilities Management services. In July 2003 the Finance Committee approved the appointment of Consultants to support this review.

4. Taking account of the findings of the above review, the recommended strategy for the future provision of outsourced FM services is detailed in the linked exempt report. The Outsource Contracts Steering Group endorsed this strategy in May 2004.

C. Race and Equality impact

Before any recommendation for contract award is put before the Authority, the equal opportunities and diversity policies of the prospective suppliers will be rigorously examined to ensure transparency, adherence to MPS stated aims and objectives and that the equality of opportunity is evident.

D. Financial implications

Although there will be changes to expenditure profile it is anticipated there will be no substantial increase in overall expenditure, whilst delivering enhanced benefit to the MPS. Full financial details are provided in the linked exempt report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Croney, Director of Property Services

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