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Report 11 of the 18 October 2007 meeting of the Finance Committee, and discusses the plan for a common, corporate Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM) platform and requests authorisation to commence procurement of an EDRM Framework Agreement.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM) Framework Contract

Report: 11
Date: 18 October 2007
By: Director of Information on behalf of the Commissioner


This report is to brief members on the plan for a common, corporate Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM) platform and requests authorisation to commence procurement of an EDRM Framework Agreement.

It will support Programmes with EDRM requirements and avoid costs of up to £9.3M [1] over 5 years (in licenses and annual software support/maintenance). It will also support Programmes with one-off integration testing of the new software and provision of standard information architecture.

This report does not request release of funds.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members approve the strategic approach set out in this report;
  2. note the requirement for Programmes to use the corporate EDRM Framework Agreement and to make provision in their business cases for licences, support, implementation, hardware and business change; and
  3. authorise the initiation of the OJEU procurement process for a corporate EDRM Framework Agreement.

B. Supporting information

1. A number of Programmes and Business Areas have requested solutions that include Document and Records Management. A corporate EDRM Framework Agreement will enable these Programmes and avoid costs for the MPS.

2. The MPS Information Board has approved an EDRM Business Case that outlines the need for this corporate solution, and the MPS Investment Board has approved the strategic approach. This report requests authorisation to procure the corporate EDRM Framework contract using the OJEU procurement process.

3. The EDRM solution will comprise a corporate EDRM Framework Licensing Agreement, AWARE Integration and a standard Information Architecture. The cost of delivering this is £1.88M of which £1.08M relates to AWARE integration testing. [2]

4. The corporate EDRM solution will enable other Programmes to deliver benefits in their business cases and avoid costs of up to £9.3M over 5 years (in licenses and annual software support/maintenance). It will also support Programmes with one-off integration testing of the new software and provision of a standard information architecture.

5. In adopting this approach, Programmes will need to make provision in their Business Cases and to fund and purchase:

  • licenses and support through the corporate Framework
  • implementation of the corporate solution within their Programme
  • hardware
  • business change

6. Key goals of the Met Modernisation Programme include Information Quality and Value for Money. Procuring a corporate EDRM solution will enable these goals to be achieved by reducing potential licensing costs from £500 to £80 [3] per user and annual support/maintenance costs from £100 to £16 per user. One standard EDRM environment will also enhance operational effectiveness through reducing the need for re-keying of information into systems, providing staff with timely access to original source information and enabling adherence to legislative requirements including Management of Policing Information (MoPI). It will also significantly reduce future business change and training requirements, as this will be a standard product.

7. The corporate EDRM solution will:

  • enable the MPS to benefit from significant economies of scale.
  • improve information access, management, sharing and audit.
  • help Programmes deliver faster and more cost effectively.
  • enable common EDRM components to be used between Programmes.
  • enable licenses to be purchased incrementally by Programmes when required at a reducing cost.

8. The recommended procurement process will result in the awarding of a framework contract for a corporate EDRM solution to a single supplier for both licences and support for the whole of the MPS. The value of the framework contract is estimated to be £4.1M for licences plus annual support/maintenance at 19%. Therefore, the value of the framework contract for 5 years is estimated to be £4.1M for licences plus annual support/maintenance, totalling £7.8M (which Programmes will need to fund). These costs are detailed in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 – Indicative Supplier Costs

Year Band start Band finish Seats in band Cost per seat (£) Band cost (£)
1 0 2000 2000 250 500000
2 2001 6000 4000 193 772000
3 6001 14000 8000 136 1088000
4 14001 30000 16000 79 1264000
5 30001 50000 20000 22 440000
Total (£) 4064000

Table 2 – Framework costing model using indicative costs

Year Total number of licensed users Capital - License costs (£) Revenue - Annual Support cost (at 19%) Yearly license and software maintenance costs (£)
1 30000 3624000 688560 4312560
2 30000 0 688560 688560
3 50000 440000 772160 1212160
4 50000 0 772160 772160
5 50000 0 772160 772160
Total (£) 4064000 3693600 7757600

9. Approval is therefore required to commence the procurement of the EDRM Framework Agreement to a single supplier for both licences and support for the whole of the MPS. This report does not request release of funds.


Electronic Document and Records Management
Management of Policing Information
Metropolitan Police Authority
Metropolitan Police Service
Official Journal of the European Union

 C. Race and equality impact

There are none specific to this report.

D. Financial implications

1. Provision of a corporate EDRM Framework agreement will be funded from the allocated £1.18M EDRM budget 2007/08. An additional £0.70M may be required to complete AWARE integration testing [4] which would need to be funded from the 2008/09 Capital budget.

2. Given that the preferred supplier will not be known until March 2008, the AWARE integration testing will not complete by, and initial implementations will not commence until, April 2008 at the earliest. Because of this, £0.35M of the existing £1.18M 2007/08 EDRM Capital budget will need to be carried forward to 2008/09 for early adopter implementation support.

E. Background papers

  • None

F. Contact details

Report author: Tony Williams – DoI, Head of IM Strategy & Policy Development and Raj Varma - Strategist, DoI2 Information Management

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


1. Based on scenario of 3 Programmes each with 30,000 users, each acquiring EDRM licenses at different times of the agreement namely in year 1,3 and 5 at indicative framework agreement costs. [Back]

2. Based on estimate given by the MPS IT Service Provider [Back]

3. Based on the indicative average cost at 50,000 users under a Framework Agreement [Back]

4. Subject to clarification with the IT Service Provider [Back]

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