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Report 7 of the 17 April 2008 meeting of the Finance Committee updating members on work delivered by the London European Office during the first full year of partnership with the MPA and MPS

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London European Office Partnership annual update

Report: 07
Date: 17 April 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report updates members on work delivered by the London European Office during the first full year of partnership with the MPA and MPS. It also updates Members on the EU Oversight Group, European Funding Bids, policy development and forthcoming work plans. Funding to the partnership for 2008/09 have been met from the MPS Resources Directorate budget.

A. Recommendations


1. the report be noted; and

2. the EU Oversight Group provide the scrutiny function for the Authority on the London European Venture Partnership agreement and other European matters affecting the MPA and MPS and the terms of reference be noted; and

3. subscription to the London European Partnership for 2008/09 and work-plans be agreed; and

4. funding to the venture partnership be agreed in principle on a long-term basis under the annual review of the Oversight Group.

B. Supporting information

1. At the meeting of the Authority on 22 February 2007 it was agreed that the MPA and MPS would join the London European Office (LEO) venture partnership, as a full partners, at the annual cost of £50,000.

2. The LEO has the following prime functions:

  • Develop relations with EU institutions and relevant organisations;
  • Monitor up-coming policies and legislation;
  • Ensure EU policy makers are aware of London’s interests and best practice.

3. In order to ensure that the venture partnership worked effectively and to its full potential the Authority established an oversight group to support committees and enhance it’s ability to scrutinise European working across the MPS. The Finance Committee Chair currently chairs the group. The Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and MPS Director of Strategic Finance also sit on the group. However whilst a considerable volume of work has centred on EU Funding opportunities, EU policy continues to impact on MPS business and it is therefore advised that the group report annually to the Full Authority and other committees where appropriate. The terms of reference agreed at the February meeting are attached at Appendix 1.

Work plan

4. The agreed work plan for 2008-09 is attached at Appendix 2. The plan outlines areas of business across the Union with the potential to affect London during 2008-09. The Oversight Group worked to establish priority areas for the MPA and MPS and will continue to monitor progress against the plan. The group will report to Finance Committee again in October setting out deliverables and achievements under the work plan.

5. The area of freedom, security and justice is developing in significance across Europe. This involves legislation and policy making at EU level in areas such as police cooperation, the fight against specialist crime, crime prevention, information sharing and border control. EU initiatives in these areas will increasingly impact on police forces across the EU as serious organised crime and terrorism continues to operate without boarders. In February the oversight group examined in detail the impact of cross-boarder initiatives on the MPS. In particular the group examined the current impact of the EU arrest warrant on MPS resources and a formal report will be commissioned to an MPA committee in due course.

London European Office Partnership 2007-08

6. The MPA/MPS joined the partnership with London’s European Office (LEO) in April 2007. A summary of the LEO annual report is attached at Appendix 3. Activity over the past year includes a new Counter-Terrorism Package and a vast range of calls for proposals for EU funded projects under the 7th framework programme’s (FP7). For the first time in the framework programme’s history there is a separate strand for security with a budget over seven years (2007-2013) of €1.4 billion.

7. Plans to promote the MPA’s Counter Terrorism The London Debate in the European Parliament are well under way beginning on 16 April at the Committee of the Regions where the report will be promoted for the first time to a European audience. An EU induction day will take place on 17 April at the MPS, concentrating on EU policies impacting upon policing in London and specialist sessions on how to formulate funding bids and develop partnership working.

Funding Bids

8. The LEO provided significant support to MPS business groups during the development of EU funding applications. 2007 has been the first year of the 7th framework programme and has seen a vast number of calls for proposals from the European Commission. LEO has kept MPA/MPS colleagues fully informed about the €1.4 billion funding opportunities arising in this context and has supported the MPS in the bid process

9. Other EU funding streams include; the security and safeguarding liberties funding stream. This stream has funding of €745 million over seven years (2007-2013) split into two programmes: “Prevention of and Fight Against Crime" (€597.60 million) and "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence management of Terrorism and other Security related risks" (€137.40 million).

Prevention of and Fight Against Crime – Framework Partner

10. After undergoing an application process, in June 2007 the MPS was granted Framework Partner (FP) status for a four-year period in the programme Prevention of and Fight Against Crime. FP agreements provide for long-term cooperation with the Commission where partners share common general objectives and have a mutual interest in undertaking actions.

  • In short this means that partners can become ‘active in actions’ or in other words become active participants in Commission work which: Need flexibility and/or rapid action in urgent or crisis situations;
  • Entail working on a regular and stable basis within a network;
  • Specific grants for recurring actions for a limited group of beneficiaries.

EU Funding Bids

11. In February the MPS provided a detailed report on EU funding bids to the oversight group. In total six FP7 bids were submitted, one received funding; 2 bids were submitted under the Prevention of the Fight Against Crime Action Grants, both unsuccessful and, two projects submitted under the framework partnership await evaluation. Whilst the success rate was disappointing the MPS have gained considerable know how in formulating bids from the application and feedback process. The oversight group have agreed a formal bid process to ensure bids are compliant with corporate priorities consider the resource impact and evaluates risk appropriately. As detailed in paragraph 7 an induction day for staff will be held on 17 April to highlight resource and development opportunities available to the MPS via the EU whilst ensuring bids are fit for purpose.

C. Race and equality impact

The terms of reference for the EU Oversight Group states it is to assure that all policy and subsequent EU based projects have due regard to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation and where appropriate the group will refer items to the EODB.

D. Financial implications

Membership of London’s European Office Joint Venture is by a fee that is payable at the start of each financial year. The amount of membership fee paid represents a percentage share in the Joint Venture. A lower membership fee will represent a lower percentage share of the Office’s work and costs. For example, an annual fee of £50,000 will represent approximately 9% of the full office costs, as detailed above. The membership fee includes payment towards the employment of the staff, the rental and running costs of the London House office. Membership of the Joint Venture Agreement entitles partners to an agreed annual work plan, including work around accessing funding streams, partnership working and policy making directives and the full use of facilities and meeting rooms at London House in Brussels. The funding for partnership is being met from the MPS Resources Directorate budget. The partnership requires a notice period from September 2008 if the Authority decides to renounce its membership from 2009-10.

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Sally Benton, Policy Advisor, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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