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Minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 21 July 2000.



  • Rachel Whittaker (Chair)
  • John Biggs (Deputy Chair)
  • Nicholas Long
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Abdal Ullah

MPA staff

  • Peter Edwards (Clerk)
  • Alan Johnson
  • Helen Grant
  • Mike Robinson

MPS staff

  • DAC M Todd
  • J Deere
  • C Haselden
  • M Shurety
  • Inspector Beynon

Also present: four members of the press/media and public.

Part 1

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Angela Slaven and Anthony Arbour

2. Chair's comments

The Chair welcomed all present to the first meeting of the Human Resources Committee.

3. Terms of reference and membership

The Committee noted the report which outlined in detail its terms of reference and membership.

that the terms of reference and membership of the Committee be noted.

4. Senior ACPO staffing issues

In receiving the report members were advised that this would be the first opportunity they had as a new authority to appoint ACPO Officers. There were potentially four vacancies at Commander level arising over the forthcoming 12 months and the timing of the appointment process was critical in order to ensure that the MPS was able to attract the best candidates from the most recent Strategic Command Course.

Following a query, it was confirmed that the vacancies to be filled did take into account the need to reduce the number of ACPO officers overall and that each vacancy had arisen on a needs basis. A member of the Committee expressed concern at the severe ‘flattening’ of the management hierarchy and indicated this was a topic the Committee might wish to discuss in future.

Members noted that external advertisements for the posts were necessary given the very small pool from which available officers were drawn. Members stressed that equal opportunities/diversity issues must be strongly adhered to as part of the process. The MPS assured the Committee that the competency based procedures were clear, rigorous and conformed to best practice and Home Office guidance. The number of candidates who were female or from an ethnic minority was very low. Despite the very small pool from which to draw, the MPS was making efforts to encourage those candidates to apply.

The Committee noted the efforts which had been made to encourage members to sit on the appointments panels for ACPO and senior MPA officers and that anyone who undertook the selection procedure for ACPO officers would need to be trained. It was agreed that a decision on who would sit on the panels should be delegated to the Clerk following consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee. The Panel should comprise the Chair of the Authority and the Chair of the Committee as a minimum plus three others who would be selected on the basis of representing the diverse membership and ethnic background of the authority. It was similarly agreed that the timetable for the selection process be delegated.


  1. that the proposed procedure and timing for filling the Commander posts be noted and approved; and
  2. that the arrangements to identify and train members for the selection panels be noted and a decision on timetabling and who should sit on the panels be delegated to the Clerk following consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee.

5. MPA senior staff recruitment

The Clerk outlined the paper and updated members on the latest position in respect of recruiting a Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director. In response to concerns expressed by a member, the Committee was reminded that both the full authority, and subsequently the Chair’s Co-ordination and Urgency Committee, had approved the process. There had been no intention to bypass the Committee which would be fully involved in the process.

Members concluded that the shortlisting and appointment panels for the 3 posts could vary depending on who was being appointed and the expertise that would therefore be required. It was concluded that the Chair of the Authority and the Chair of the Committee should be involved plus other members of the authority as appropriate so that the skills background, gender and ethnicity of the authority were fully represented. It was agreed to delegate to officers a decision on whom to appoint to the Panel following consultation with the Chair of the Authority and Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee. It was noted that members need not necessarily receive training for this appointment process if they could demonstrate that they had undertaken a similar role in the past.

The Committee concurred with the suggestion that specialist advisers be used to assist the authority during shortlisting and that those invited should have police service as well as local authority experience. It was noted that advisers’ expenses would need to be reimbursed but that, overall, costs had fallen following the decision not to use an executive search agency.


  1. that an executive search agency not be used for the posts;
  2. that it be noted that in accordance with the decision of the Authority on 10 July 2000, the Chair of the Authority and Chair of the Committee had approved the advertisements for the Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director posts;
  3. that the Chair of the Authority, Chair of the Human Resources Committee and three other members form the selection panel for senior appointments subject to the remaining members reflecting the skills background, gender and diversity of the membership and requirements of the particular post in question;
  4. that the selection of the remaining members for the interview panel be delegated to officers, following consultation with the Chair of the Authority and Chair and Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee;
  5. that the selection process be augmented by independent advisers and that a decision on whom to use be delegated to officers following consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee; and
  6. that fixed term appointments are not necessary for these posts.

6. MPA staffing strategy - year 1

The Committee agreed that although the paper had been circulated to members with less than 3 clear working days’ notice it should be added to the agenda as an urgent item under the provisions of section 100B (4b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for urgency was that there were some key posts which needed to be recruited as soon as possible.

The Clerk introduced the paper by explaining that future staffing of the support organisation was a very significant issue that needed to be tackled urgently. He flagged up the vulnerability of the authority in its current position as it was relying purely on a temporary workforce. If staff chose to leave, the authority would find itself struggling to cope with its statutory duties. It was hoped that the recommendations in the report would address that vulnerability and assist the authority in migrating to a permanently staffed organisation. Following the recent Co-ordination and Urgency Committee, changes to the structure that sought to take into consideration the Committee’s concerns over levels of hierarchy had not been incorporated.

The Clerk also tabled a letter received by the Chair of the Committee from the Mayor’s Equal Opportunities Adviser who had expressed some concerns regarding the “equality proofing” of the authority’s proposals. Members concurred with the view that the future staffing strategy should be checked carefully from this point of view, but generally they were satisfied that the authority was addressing the issues and would comply with the spirit and letter of all legislation. The Clerk would draft a reply on behalf of the Chair.

The Committee then discussed in detail the recommendations and issues contained within the report. The following is a summary of the decisions and key comments made:

  • Although members expressed concern at the lack of financial information contained within the report and that no decision had yet been made on terms and conditions, they agreed that the 3 posts identified (Head of Secretariat, Committee Clerk and Press Officer) needed to be recruited as a matter of urgency.
  • Members agreed with the recommendation that discussions should take place as soon as possible with existing staff to establish whether key members could be persuaded to stay until longer term appointments could be made. It was also concluded that, subject to consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee in each case, appointments could be made to replace existing temporary staff who wished to leave.
  • In noting the comments made by the Co-ordination Committee, members emphasised the need for new staff to be flexible and able to undertake a variety of duties resulting from the emerging roles and responsibilities of the authority. A member felt that encouraging new graduates to join the authority could assist. In addition, it was noted that posts needed to be advertised widely in the university and ethnic minority press. Appointments made to the authority’s support structure should result in staff who were representative of London.
  • Members concluded that the proposed structure in Appendix B could be adopted on an interim basis for any recruitment undertaken. This would be on the basis that the structure would be reviewed in detail by members once the new Clerk and Treasurer had taken up their posts. In addition, the comments made by the Mayor’s adviser on equal opportunities would need to be incorporated.
  • Members expressed concern at the lack of detailed financial information in the report, in particular as to the costs of individual posts and of the structure as a whole. Although some figures had been included, it was agreed that a report on the MPA support structure budget should be presented to the next meeting.

In concluding, members noted that they did not have sufficient information to make a decision on appointing an independent firm to evaluate posts or to decide which terms and conditions new staff should be appointed to. These issues should be the subject of further reports to the Committee. It was noted that any permanent appointments made in the interim would need to be on the basis that new staff were aware that terms and conditions and salaries would be reviewed.


  1. that a report be received on the MPA support structure budget at the next meeting;
  2. that a recruitment exercise be instigated immediately for the three urgent vacancies (Committee Clerk, Head of Secretariat and Press Officer);
  3. that individual discussions take place immediately between the Clerk and existing staff to develop a retention strategy with proposals to the next Committee;
  4. that, subject to discussions with staff, a recruitment exercise for key longer term staff to replace existing temporary staff wanting to leave should be instigated as soon as possible, subject to consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee in each case;
  5. that the organisation structure described in Appendix B of the report be used on an interim basis for any recruitment undertaken before the new Clerk and Treasurer take up their posts;
  6. that the new Clerk and Treasurer review the structure with members, incorporating views received from the Mayor on equal opportunities issues;
  7. that the existing Clerk and Treasurer be delegated responsibility for managing the staff complement until their replacements had taken up posts;
  8. that a further report be received at the next meeting on the employment of a firm to evaluate posts against market place salaries and the existing civil service scale gradings; and
  9. that no decision be made on terms and conditions for MPA civil staff pending further reports and discussion in a Human Resources Committee workshop.

7. Personnel management information

Following discussion, the Committee confirmed that it wished to receive corporate personnel management information of the types indicated within the report. In addition, the standard workforce data would be useful for members but should be circulated outside of the formal committee process because of its confidentiality.

The Committee also agreed to receive an update paper on personnel management information that was tabled by the MPS. The report explained that, following support from the Metropolitan Police Committee, the MPS was moving towards the purchase of a Human Resources information system. Despite an assurance that the system could be purchased within the Commissioner’s delegated powers, the MPS felt that the Committee should be advised prior to its purchase. Following a query from a member, the MPS confirmed that the system was fully co-ordinated and compatible with other MPS systems and would be delivered on time and to budget. The new HR system would replace six existing systems and was a UK-wide package developed as part of the National Strategy for Police Information Systems (NSPIS).


  1. that the requirement for regular personnel management information be confirmed and that existing information types be accepted initially;
  2. that standard workforce data be sent to members of the authority under separate cover and outside the auspices of the Committee;
  3. that progress made on the procurement of the Human Resources Information System be noted; and
  4. that the MPS proposal to proceed to contract award as soon as possible for the HRIS system, in accordance with the Commissioner’s delegated authority within financial regulations, be noted.

8. Police recruitment and retention issues

The Committee received a report that outlined the current targets and challenges facing the Metropolitan Police Service for recruitment and retention of officers. This was clearly a significant issue and top priority for the service and the views and participation of the Authority and Committee would be very much welcome.

Members thanked the MPS for the report and felt that the issue was of such significance that a Committee workshop should be organised to discuss it more fully.

that the report be noted and a workshop for Committee members be organised to discuss and deepen understanding of this most important topic.

9. Personnel issues arising from HMIC inspections

In introducing the paper, the Clerk outlined the inspection processes undertaken by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC). A significant role for the authority was to monitor and evaluate action by the service against agreed recommendations. Clearly in future the Authority would also be involved in the inspection process itself but there remained a number of outstanding issues and recommendations from earlier reports, which the Committee might wish to monitor. The Chair confirmed that such issues had been addressed at every meeting of the former Metropolitan Police Committee Personnel Sub-Committee and the members agreed to continue to adopt the approach, for the time being.

The appendix to the report contained the latest position in respect of the recent HMIC thematic report “Winning Consent” in so far as Human Resources issues were concerned. Subject to comments and minor amendments, the Committee agreed to note the MPS responses and agreed the suggested MPA action.


  1. that the previously agreed MPC format for presenting HMIC reports and recommendations raising personnel issues be approved;
  2. that the “MPA Action” column in the appendix be approved subject to changing the reference in recommendation 33 to read “monitor progress and receive a further report on the issue”; and
  3. that progress in the implementation of HMIC reports and recommendations concerning personnel issues be a standing item on the Committee’s agenda.

10. Days of future meetings

The Committee noted and agreed the dates already proposed for its future meetings. The Committee will meet on the third Thursday of every month at 2pm excluding August through to the next annual meeting of the Authority in May 2001.

that the Committee meet at 2pm on the third Thursday of every month through to May 2001.

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