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Report 9 of the 04 Sep 03 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and sets out the progress of the improvement plan as recommended by the Project Board from the final report of the Best Value Review of Training.

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Best value review of training – implementation plan progress

Report: 09
Date: 4 September 2003
By: Commissioner


This report sets out the progress of the improvement plan as recommended by the Project Board from the final report of the Best Value Review of Training (BVR(T)). It outlines financial implications and key non-financial benefits. Members are invited to review the improvement plan progress and approve the arrangements for implementation.

A. Recommendation

That members review the progress of recommendations as set out in the progress report given at Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. The BVR(T) presented the final report to Project Board on 6 January 2003. The recommendations contained in the report together with a draft improvement plan were accepted and approved.

2. The implementation of the identified improvements is the responsibility of Human Resource (HR), but specifically with the Directorate of Training and Development.

3. Appendix 1 consists of a summary of progress to date.

4. Recommendation 1: The feasibility study is now complete and decisions in relation to next steps towards ‘running training like a business’ rest with the Director of HR and the MPS HR Board.

5. Recommendation 2: Is complete with the Director of Training becoming established as Head of all MPS Training.

6. Recommendation 3: The Training Board role has been defined and approved by Training Management Board. Assistance has been offered to senior managers with a view to establish Training Boards by the end of November to progress the next training planning cycle.

7. Recommendation 4: The Training Standards Unit has become established as the focal point for effective training support. It is coordinating the regional and national drivers for change into MPS training.

8. Recommendation 5: Analysis of BOCU training sites has been carried out to determine the level of use of the training resource. This will be a longer term project that will take into account the resource needs created by the national recruit training programme.

9. Recommendation 6: The Crime Academy is working closely with the Director of Training to incorporate the BVR recommendations into their new training structure. An Academy Management Board has met and an accountability framework established.

10. Recommendation 7: The Civil Staff Training & Development Coordination Unit has made good progress against the Civil Staff Development Strategy, however, work to establish internal networking has had to be postponed due to the need to deliver the induction training to new MPS civil staff. External scoping is taking place to identify development opportunities in other sectors.

11. Recommendation 8: An Income Generation Guide that relates to training is being developed by the Income Generation Unit and will be presented to Training Management Board in November.

C. Equality and diversity implications

A key focus of the improvement plan has been to seek equality of opportunity for all MPS staff, specifically support staff in accessing training. Furthermore, the new training structure will ensure that the training needs of minority staff and particular groups, i.e. part–time staff, will be channelled in a systematic way. Good practice of equality and diversity in training will be identified and consistently applied across all training sites in a coordinated way through the Training Standards Unit.

D. Financial implications

The majority of the initiatives within this report will be contained within existing resources and budgetary allocations for future years. Recommendation 1, ‘Running training like a business’ may be the subject of separate reports setting out specific financial implications and additional requirements, which will be submitted as appropriate.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Commander Shabir Hussain, Director, Training and Development, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


The recommendations are, in summary:

1. Feasibility Study - Running Training like a Business.
2. Head of Profession established.
3. Establish Training Boards & School Management Boards across the MPS.
4. Create a Training Standards Unit.
5. Review and develop Training Delivery Sites.
6. Develop SO, SC & Crime Academy training structure.
7. Establish Civil Staff Training & Development Unit.
8. Develop income generation guidance for MPS training.

In Appendix 1, costs:

1. The total cost of £251,139, for carrying out the review, is made up of staff costs and incidental expenses. DCC Business Support has compiled this data.

2. In recommendation 4: To create a Training Standards Unit (TSU), a saving of £28,000 is shown. This reflects a reduction of one HEO/Band C post within an existing unit that was to become part of the new TSU.

3. The costs shown in Year 2 are one off costs. They reflect growth in creating the TSU and Civil Staff Training & Development Coordination Unit.

4. The Income Generation Recommendation 8: relates to the formation of guidance and no predictions are being made at this time in relation to costs/income.

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