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Report 7 of the 22 July 04 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and provides an update on the Annual Costed Training Plan.

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Training strategy

Report: 7
Date: 22 July 2004
By: Commissioner


This report provides an update on the Annual Costed Training Plan, as well as Directorate of Training and Development's proposals, priorities and outputs.

A. Recommendation

That members note the MPS Training Strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. To be effective, training must be focused on improving the performance of the Service. The MPS has developed structures to ensure that this occurs. High-level strategic direction of training is provided by Training Management Board (TMB) chaired by the Deputy Commissioner. Each major business group mirrors this with a Training Board (TB) responsible for dealing with their specific training requirements. TB chairs form the membership of the TMB.

2. The individual TB's are responsible for articulating, prioritising and monitoring training within their business area. They consider the necessity and implications of new or one-off training and are required to review continuing commitments against corporate priorities. The rationale for inclusion of training within the programme is its contribution to the Policing Plan and the maintenance of ongoing policing operations.

3. School Management Boards (SMBs) oversee the work of each of the central training schools. The SMBs provide a link between the clients on whose behalf the training is carried out and the training deliverers. The SMBs resolve the demands on training resources presented by Training Board requirements and are responsible for the quality of the training provided.

4. Each TB is responsible for producing a training plan setting out its proposals for training in the coming year. To assist in formulating plans, TBs have written guidance on prioritisation and risk assessment. This guidance provides a vehicle to gauge the relative importance of each training proposal. TB plans are then costed using the National Costing Model for Training and form the basis for the MPS Annual Training Plan (ATP). The ATP exposes the breadth and depth of intended training across the MPS and is reviewed by TMB. DTD's training should be determined by TBs. DTD has to estimate training demands, as TBs are still evolving. An example of this mismatch is driver training. Normal consultation between the school and clients show a shortfall of 25%, which was forecast for 2004-05 growth. However, before 2004-05 plan came into effect a further 500 courses were sought. This will cost DTD £229K of which £174K is unfunded. This cost will be contained. Business groups are being consulted to make up this shortfall.

5. The role of the Director of Training and Development is to:

  • Lead and support the training function.
  • Ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for the delivery of all centrally prescribed and centrally delivered training.
  • Provide advice to the Director HR, TMB and others on training related issues.
  • Quality assurance of training. This includes reviewing management information and comparative performance.
  • Ensuring compliance with the strategic direction agreed by TMB.

In carrying out his role, the Director is assisted by the Training Standards Unit, (TSU).

6. The MPS Annual Costed Training Plan was scheduled to be presented to HRC at its March meeting, having been ratified by the Deputy Commissioner's Training Management Board in February. However, notwithstanding that the Training data was completed by December 2003, Finance department have been unable to produce the relevant costings until now, due to software problems and data issues. The plan is attached as Appendix 1.

7. To avoid a repetition for 2005-06 DTD are commissioning a software review to eliminate the present triple keying. The training provider provides data to the TSU, who collate it into a plan for it to be costed. Whereas, the original data could be automatically formatted and costed. Moreover, historically all costing activity is undertaken by Finance dept to ensure consistency. DTD will undertake their own costings in future subject to a transfer of resources.

8. DTD's plan which in essence is a sub-set of the MPS training plan and HR's annual plan (previously considered at May's HRC) is at Appendix 2.

9. DTD has been awarded full Investors in People status. It recognises that we properly invest in our training staff development. The previous designation was only on a ‘probationary basis’ pending long lasting improvements. This award fulfils the requirements arising from the national aggregation of the training best value reviews.

10. The upgrade of MetHR will not only produce accurate management information it will also produce skills data to accurately forecast training needs. Greater interaction with business groups training boards will further enhance forecasting.

11. The TMB considered a review of 2003-04 annual training plan and it is attached at Appendix 3. It shows the variance between plans and student attendance. Training boards have been tasked to review the data in preparation for 2005-06, and to report their findings to the TMB.

12. DTD training priorities are:

  • probationers.
  • sergeants, inspectors and police staff managers.
  • driving.
  • IT for new criminal justice systems.

13. In addition MPS priorities are:

  • C3i training.
  • Mobile data and Met duties.

14. 'One off' provisioning are:

  • An additional 500 driving courses.
  • An additional 300 sergeants courses.

All other training is broadly related to service demographics.

15. Training contracts are being piloted this year. This requires the student to use their new skills for a minimum term. The pilot focuses on driving and investigative courses and will evaluate unintended consequences before consideration towards greater applicability to all courses.

16. The MPS will finally be able to use Centrex's national e-learning platform in July 2004. The Crime Academy and DTD's IT school will pilot its functionality. The vision is all MPS training providers will maximise its use. DTD is seeking clarification from Centrex (National Centre for Applied Learning Technologies – Ncalt) on ring fenced provisioning for the MPS, given we part fund Ncalt.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The Director’s work is closely linked to the HR Business Plan objectives. Particular activity has been directed towards achieving an increased representation of the diverse groups of London. Current initiatives aim to create an environment, which attracts a broader range of recruits. This includes removing the Hendon residential requirement, providing training at devolved sites, planning and on the job’ conversion route for PCSOs wishing to become constables and exploring the possibilities of shortened training for those with appropriate qualifications. These initiatives provide evidence of action to improve access for women, older people, minority ethnic communities, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people.

D. Financial implications

Full costings are contained in Part Three: Annual Costed Training Plan 2004/05 of Appendix 1. DTD will undertake the costing element for 2005-06 subject to a transfer of resources from Finance department.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Commander Shabir Hussain, 020 8358 1071

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