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Report 4 of the 16 Feb 04 meeting of the Health and Safety Sub-committee and updates the Metropolitan Police Authority with respect to the MPS’s Health and Safety plans for 2004/05.

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MPS health and safety plans for 2004/05

Report: 4
Date: 16 February 2004
By: Commissioner


This report updates the Metropolitan Police Authority with respect to the MPS’s Health and Safety plans for 2004/05.

A. Recommendations


  1. members endorse the new MPS Health and Safety Policy;
  2. the plans to ensure its implementation be noted;
  3. the new Policy specifically includes the health and safety management of police staff and police buildings, including Private Finance Initiative (PFI) buildings be noted; and
  4. the Sub-Committee monitor the implementation of the MPS Health and Safety Policy and to review it periodically.

B. Supporting information

1. This report attaches the Health and Safety Policy launched by the Commissioner on 14 January 2004 and explains how the MPS’s health and safety plans are focused on ensuring that the Policy is implemented.

Health and Safety Policy

2. The Commissioner signed and launched a revised Health and Safety Policy on 14 January 2004. The Policy is attached at Appendix 1.

3. At the Human Resources Committee on 8 January 2004, the MPA noted the Policy but asked the MPS to present a revised Policy for consideration by the MPA Health and Safety Committee within six months. However, the MPA may prefer to endorse the new Policy now and then work with the MPS to review and, as necessary, re-issue a joint Policy by the end of June 2004.

Plans for Health and Safety

4. The key health and safety priority for the MPS is now to implement the new Policy. All Business Directors, BOCU Commanders and Heads of Department are expected to have fully implemented the Policy and put in place supporting safety management systems by 30 June 2004.

5. The MPS Health and Safety Branch plans to systematically audit the implementation of the Policy and performance against the Policy. It will then report its findings to Management Board and the MPA. A summary of the role and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Branch is attached at Appendix 2.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no direct implications on equalities and diversity arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications beyond the Branch budget arising from this report. Any future financial implications that arise will subject to a separate business case.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Louis Backwell, Head of Health and Safety, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 2

MPS Health and Safety Branch

1. The MPS Health and Safety (H&S) Branch works within the mission, vision and values of the MPS. To demonstrate the MPS’s commitment to healthy and safe policing, the MPS H&S Branch has the following mission:

To motivate and sustain continuous H&S improvement within the MPS and those affected by its activities, supporting the policing imperative.

2. The work of the MPS H&S Branch is to improve the H&S of MPS service delivery. This is achieved by:

  • Providing strategic and policy lead on all relevant H&S matters.
  • Advising on areas for improvement in the H&S management system.
  • Identifying and promulgating good practice.
  • Encouraging health and safety culture change.
  • Monitoring and auditing performance.

3. To support the MPS, MPA and their stakeholders to deliver the MPS mission by providing technical expertise with a framework of services and functions that:

  • Develop and promote MPS H&S strategy.
  • Promote safe systems of work.
  • Promote a safe working environment.
  • Monitor and audit MPS H&S management system performance to provide assurance at a corporate level.

Services of H&S Branch - core services

4. With respect to health and safety policy matters, the Branch:

  • Provides a lead on management systems.
  • Assists senior managers in putting in place the measures needed to identify clear accountabilities and to comply with all legislative requirements with regard to the workforce or any person affected by the MPS business.
  • Provides specialist technical advice to BOCUs, departments and individual MPS staff.
  • Provides impact assessments on emerging, new and existing legislation.
  • Provides a lead and advises on the application of a specific policy.
  • Acts as secretariat to the Health and Safety Strategic Committee, providing statistical reports and trend analyses.

5. In addition, the Branch is seeking to promote further cultural change in the MPS. The Branch and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have drawn up a liaison plan, and the HSE will undertake a series of “thematic inspections” in 2004. The Branch is also seeking to identify and promote best practice, to coach line managers, safety representatives, individual officers and members of staff.

6. Other important Branch activities to note include:

  • A review and evaluation of all health and safety training in order to assess training plans for 2005/06.
  • A comprehensive review of corporate and local risk assessments.
  • Undertaking thorough investigations of major accidents, incidents and near misses.
  • Ensuring that performance standards are established and used to measure achievement. This will involve determining the causes of sub-standard performance and identifying the underlying causes and the implications for the design and operation of the H&S management system.
  • Auditing and reviewing performance, including developing a structured risk based audit programme (in conjunction with the Internal Audit Communication Group).

Service Delivery of H&S Branch

7. In October 2003, the Branch was re-structured to provide three senior safety advisers, supported by seven safety advisors, to act as the H&S point of contact with TP and HR; SO and Resources; and SCD and DCC, respectively. This re-structuring followed a recommendation by the Health and Safety Strategic Committee. These seven advisers support the three seniors by covering a broad spectrum of dedicated work areas, buildings and technical specialties. All ten seniors and their advisors are further supported by the Team Leader, a policy group (policy, risk assessment, accident analysis, communications, project work and admin support) and the Head of Branch.

8. The Branch budget plan to meet the service delivery and objectives is currently under consideration by HR Directorate.

Property Services Directorate (PSD)

9. PSD has its own health and safety staff, and health and safety arrangements for all matters relating to buildings and other PSD activities. PSD and the H&S Branch work closely together. PSD activities are subject to monitoring and audit by the H&S Branch.

Supporting material

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