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Report 5 of the 16 Feb 04 meeting of the Health and Safety Sub-committee and updates members on the process and plans for monitoring performance in health and safety matters.

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Health and safety plans and priorities

Report: 5
Date: 16 February 2004
By: Commissioner


This report updates members on the process and plans for monitoring performance in health and safety matters. It also sets out proposed objectives and targets for performance in 2004/05.

A. Recommendations

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. This report outlines the process and plans for monitoring the performance of the MPS in health and safety matters. It also sets out proposed objectives and targets for monitoring performance in 2004/05. At future MPA Sub-Committee meetings, the MPS Health and Safety Branch will supply the statistical performance data provided to MPS Management Board, so that the Sub-Committee can monitor performance.

Mechanisms for monitoring performance

2. The Commissioner and the Management Board will monitor MPS performance by obtaining relevant information on all health and safety pro-active and reactive indicators, including accident and ill-health statistics, and on the implementation of the policy.

3. The Strategic Health and Safety Committee will also review performance on an ongoing basis, by analysing all relevant information, assessing whether objectives are being satisfactorily achieved and by proposing remedial action where there are areas of concern.

Health and Safety Branch monitoring performance

4. The Health and Safety Branch will, on behalf of Management Board, monitor the effective implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.

5. To achieve this the Branch will conduct and assist in timely and thorough investigations of major accidents, incidents and near misses. This will include the noting of any significant trends or one-off incidents, which did, or could, have resulted in a major injury or serious ill-health problem. The Branch will specify where the data or analysis indicates that remedial action should be taken. If such remedial action needs to be taken on a local level, then the senior management team in the relevant (B)OCU has lead responsibility to put in place the necessary measures. If the monitoring has shown that corporate remedial action is necessary, then it will be for the Management Board, on a recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Human Resources, to authorise the way forward.

6. In addition, the Branch is working with the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS), to produce a memorandum of understanding to ensure close co-operation in investigations that have both a professional standards and a health and safety angle.

7. The Branch will review MetAir data on a monthly basis for the Senior Management Board, on a bi-monthly basis for the Strategic Health and Safety Committee, and on a quarterly basis for the MPA Sub-committee.

MPS/MPA auditing process

8. There are three levels of health and safety audit in the MPS:

  • The Borough Commanders, other Operational Commanders, Heads of Department and Senior Designated Officers will provide self-assurance. They are required to establish their own local management system, inspection/audit programme and a series of key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • The H&S Branch will develop and implement a structured risk based audit programme. The results from audits will be used to bench mark Business Directors, BOCU Commanders, Heads of Department and determine appropriate performance KPIs. Audit reports on performance will be reported to the Commissioner, Management Board and MPA. (The Branch is currently developing a new health and safety audit question set with guidance. This new audit module is being developed within a software tool that will facilitate analysis of results and action tracking of recommendations).
  • The MPA, on receipt of all relevant information from the MPS, may assure itself with respect to the effectiveness and efficiency of MPS health and safety management systems.

Proposed performance objectives for FY04/05

9. Proposed Health and Safety Branch sponsored business group key and sustaining group performance objectives for financial year 2004/05, are attached at Appendix 1. These are due to be considered by the Strategic Health and Safety Committee on 4 March 2004.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no direct implications on equalities and diversity arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications beyond the Branch budget arising from this report. Any future financial implications that arise will subject to a separate business case.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Louis Backwell, Head of Health and Safety, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Proposed Health and Safety Branch sponsored business group key  and sustaining group performance objectives for financial year 2004/05

MPS Business group key objectives

1. Implement the Commissioners new Health and Safety (H&S) Policy.

  • Target - 100% implementation of new policy in the MPS by the end of June 2004.
  • Business lines to revise their management structure to take account of the new policy by June 2004.
  • The Health and Safety Branch will audit implementation and performance.

2. Reduction of accidents to Police Officers and Police Staff

  • Target – to reduce accidents by 5% over the period April 2004 – March 2005 against previous financial year (FY) 2003/04.
  • This will be monitored through MetAir statistics and investigation of accidents as appropriate.

H&S Branch sustaining delivery objectives

Policy objectives

3. Monitor the implementation of the Commissioners new policy and benchmark H&S performance.

  • Target – verify implementation of the policy by business lines.
  • H&S Branch will audit via a sample audit of business lines.
Organisation objectives

4. Effective internal and external H&S communication strategy.

  • External: Liaison, consultation and attendance at meetings with HSE, other regulatory bodies, government departments, relevant international agencies, MPA, Local Authorities, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), APHSA.
  • H&S Branch will meet external agencies on a periodic basis.
  • Internal: Management Board, Strategic H&S Committee, Clothing Appointment Board, Death in Custody Group, Business line Senior Management Teams (SMTs).
  • H&S Branch will meet staff associations and internal groups on a periodic basis.

5. H&S training

  • Continue to deliver HR sponsored H&S training courses for FY 2004/05.
  • The Branch will lead a review of the current provision and requirement for all MPS H&S training.
Arrangement objectives

6. Produce and issue H&S guidance manual

  • Target – Produce manual by July 2004.
  • H&S Branch will publish guidance.

7. Corporate risk assessments

  • Target – corporate risk assessment AWARE intranet site fully populated with all current MPS corporate risk assessments –September 2004.
  • The Branch will co-ordinate annual review of corporate risk assessments on a quarterly rolling programme.
Monitoring performance objectives

8. Monitor lost time accidents.

  • Monitor time loss accidents over the period April 2004 - March 2005.
  • H&S Branch will monitor MetAir statistics and investigate accidents as appropriate. This will include analysis and advice to line managers.

9. Monitor near miss data.

  • Re-launch near miss system to raise awareness and encourage reporting.
  • H&S Branch will monitor. This will include analysis and advice to line managers.

10. Monitor compliance first aid at work.

  • Target – evaluate compliance with first aid at work and make recommendations.
  • H&S Branch will monitor performance. This will include evaluation of training delivery and compliance with legislative requirements.
Audit and review performance objectives

11. Develop H&S audit software tool with action tracking and analysis capability.

  • Target – develop audit tool, questions, guidance verify AWARE compatibility by April 2004.
  • H&S Branch will trial the tool by sampling audit business lines. Launch audit system by June 2004.

12. Audit H&S management system performance.

  • Audit H&S performance with new audit tool.
  • Target high risk (B)OCU’s and activities and sample audit all business lines - June 2004 – March 2005.

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