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Report 6 of the 8 September 2005 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and provides an update on the programme for the review of the Directorate of Professional Standards.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Update on the programme for the review of the Directorate of Professional Standards

Report: 6
Date: 8 September 2005
By: Commissioner


The review of Directorate of Professional Services (DPS) is at its consultation stage, the next significant date is the 15 September 2005 when the Command Team will meet to discuss emerging options. Early indications favour a significant reallocation of roles utilizing police officers only in duties requiring warranted powers.

A. Recommendations

That Members to note the progress in respect of the Fundamental Review of the DPS.

B. Supporting information

1. On 1 August 2005 the inaugural meeting of the Project Management Board took place and those attending examined, agreed and signed off the Project Initiation Document (See Appendix 1).

2. We have entered into a consultation period, during which the views of DPS staff have been canvassed and a dedicated Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) staff association forum of SAMURAI representatives formed. Proceedings remain very much at the consultation stage.

3. A Challenge Panel has been drawn together and is due to convene in late October but prior to this stage preferred options will be taken to Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU) and Operational Command Unit (OCU) representatives for consultation.

4. It is perhaps significant to note that the MPS Workforce Modernisation Team, who are responsible for examining current processes and practices, have identified significant changes in how the DPS undertakes its core business since the period examined by Sir Bill Morris. It follows that further adjustments would involve provisionally fine-tuning current practices and absorbing new additional emerging issues.

5. On 15 September 2005 emerging options will be put before the Command Team Meeting and decisions will be included in the next update document. Thereafter proposals will be returned to DPS staff groups for further consultation, along with wider MPS Staff associations. The Project Board will then have sight of the proposals along with a specifically formed Challenge Panel, which is made up from external partners and opinion makers.

6. It might be wise therefore to discuss significant areas of change after 15 September but it may be of interest to note that just one area being closely examined is the use of police staff to undertake roles that do not require warranted powers.

7. A member of the Internal Consultancy Group working on Service Review has been aligned to the DPS Review. This has enhanced communication and promoted an understanding of what each team is doing and needs.

8. The timetable for change is attached at Appendix 2.

List of abbreviations

DPS - Directorate of Professional Standards
MPS – Metropolitan Police Service
BOCU - Borough Operational Command Unit
OCU – Operational Command Unit
WMT – Workforce Modernisation Team

C. Race and equality impact

A Number of DPS staff have been trained on the Diversity Excellence Model and work is in hand to identify areas upon which we could improve.

D. Financial implications

As part of the redefinition of roles, the Directorate have already surrendered a total of 55 ‘Step Change’ posts, which had been allocated for roll out over the next three years. This has produced a year on year saving of £3.5 million.

E. Background papers

  • Appendix 1 - Project Initiation Document
  • Appendix 2 - The timetable for change

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Sue Akers, Commander and Deputy Director of Professional Standards

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Author: DCI Steve Kershaw
Date: 8th June 2005
Version: 6 Review: 23 September 2005
Summary: DPS Review Programme Initiation Document

DPS review programme initiaton document (PID)

1. Background and business need

The DPS Review Programme sets out to review the functions and activities carried out by the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The Programme will provide an integrated DPS response to the Morris Inquiry, the Taylor Report, the Ghaffur Report, the CRE Commissioners’ Report, the MPS Service Review and the Workforce Modernisation Programme.

The DPS is responsible for professional standards within the MPS, which includes investigations into police misconduct, public complaints, corruption and civil litigation. The Inquiries and Reports listed above have made recommendations about changes to the way that the MPS manages such investigations. In October 2005 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) will carry out a thematic inspection of DPS work, including the progress that has been made to implement these recommendations.

The Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair has instituted a Service Review of the MPS which will report in summer 2005. Each Operational Command Unit (OCU) is carrying out a Self Review process towards this work, and the DPS self review creates the opportunity to carry out business process improvement.

Previous work by the MPS to carry out a programme of business process improvement in Bexley BOCU provides valuable learning for this programme. The Bexley Workforce Modernisation (WFM) Programme instituted a review of all policing services in one London Borough, comprising a suite of projects to address all aspects of service delivery. The respective projects were selected as a result of benchmarking, focus groups, process-mapping workshops and structured interviews with senior stakeholders. The principles of that programme will be used to influence this work.

2. Objectives and scope

The strategic aims of the programme are:

  • To place a prevention culture at the heart of DPS activity in order to identify and reduce opportunities for misconduct and corruption.
  • To develop greater internal and external trust and confidence through improved sensitivity, timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency of DPS investigations.
  • To move from a blame culture to one where lessons are learnt and understood by the organisation.
  • To increase DPS engagement with stakeholders to -
    • Improve the openness, accountability and accessibility of investigations
    • Enhance understanding of customer needs, whilst developing external awareness of the DPS area of work
  • To improve support for all those both within and outside the MPS involved DPS investigations.
  • To ensure that DPS has sufficient arrangements for monitoring and assessing performance in relation to race equality responsibilities.
  • To improve internal and external communications.

The scope of the programme includes:

  • The various OCU’s and units contained within DPS.
  • Actions necessary to implement the recommendations from the Morris, Taylor, Ghaffur and CRE reports.
  • Workforce Modernisation incorporating -
    • Principles arising from the Bexleyheath initiative i.e. how DPS does business and the optimum officer/staff ratios according to powers, skills and experience
    • Diversity commitments in relation to race, sexual orientation, age, faith, disability and gender,
    • Business processes – linking professional standards procedures to Best Value and accountability.
    • Management structures – job descriptions, lines of responsibility etc.
  • Utilisation of Police Regulations, adherence to Race Relations Amendment Act and other employment law.

3. Organisation

Role & Responsibility Name Role & Responsibility Name
Sets strategic direction of the programme AC Alan Brown
DPS Review Board
  • Agrees PID, process and recommendations
  • Supports the Sponsor in strategic decisions
  • Sign off key stages of the programme.
AC Brown (chair) Programme Director (Cmdr Akers) MPA, Supt Association, Police Federation and Staff Union Representatives
Programme Director
  • Agree key products on behalf of sponsor· Ensure support is provided to the programme team
  • Chair DPS Review Steering Group
Cdr Sue Akers
DPS Review Steering Group
  • Drive project
  • Resolve difficulties and make recommendations
Cdr Akers (chair), Programme Manager, Work Element Leads, DPS CTM
DPS Review Programme Manager
Responsible for the overall delivery of the programme. DCI Steve Kershaw
DPS Review Programme Team
  • Supports the programme manager in the day-to-day running of the project.
  • Carry out activities required to deliver programme outcomes
D/Supt Jerry SheppardDI Peter ChadwickInsp Chris DaversDS Paul MillerPC Mark GervaisMalcolm Finnie
DPS Review Programme Consultant
  • Assist the programme team with the planning and management of the programme.
  • Provide implementation support to ensure objectives and timescales are met.
Neil Thomson, People Aspects Ltd

4. Key milestones

A detailed project plan will be produced separately. The key milestones are summarised below.

Stage 1

Activity Completed by
Self Review submission 24 Jun 2005
Staff consultation on current business processes and key issues July - August 2005
Development of ‘new way’ model in consultation with staff Sept – Oct 2005
HMIC Inspection Oct 2005
Implementation preparation and transitional arrangements Nov – Jan 2006
Trialing of ‘new way’ model Jan - Apr 2006
Full implementation of ‘new way’ of working April 2006
Ongoing review and adaptation Quarterly from April 2006
Final review April 2007

5. Resources, costs and benefits

5.1 Resources

The programme will require the use of the following resources, not all of which are directly funded through the programme budget:

  • Programme team staff
    • 1 x D/Supt
    • 1 x DCI
    • 1 x DI
    • 1 x Insp (part-time)
    • 1 x DS
    • 1 x PC
    • 1 Band D
    • Project consultant
  • Staff time in focus groups and workshops.
  • MPS estate – programme team office and meeting rooms.
  • External meeting rooms for consultation phases.
  • Computers and other IT.
  • Car.
  • Consumable materials (plotter paper, stationery etc.)
5.2 Costs
Item Cost Comment
Pay Costs (nine months)
D/Supt, DCI, DI, DS, PC, Band D £276,070  
Inspector (part time) - Covered by WFM Programme funding


Covered by WFM Programme funding
Consultancy Support
Project Consultant fees


Covered by WFM Programme funding
External meetings
Meeting room hire


External meetings
Resources (Computers, Software, Admin staff, office costs, consumable materials)




5.3 Benefits

The Programme will focus on achievement of the objectives set out in section 2 of this PID. Achievement of these objectives will deliver the following benefits:

  • Faster resolution of complaints, discipline cases, prosecutions and civil actions.
  • Greater trust and confidence by stakeholders in DPS.
  • Better value for money, with officers and staff being targeted more efficiently and effectively on tasks requiring their particular powers, knowledge, skills and experience.
  • Improved welfare care for all those involved in DPS investigations – including, witnesses, families and friends of those under investigation, whether they are MPS staff or not.
  • Reduced opportunities for misconduct or corruption.
  • Faster and more effective identification of the underlying causes of complaints, discipline cases, corruption and civil actions.

For the Diagram of DPS Review Board see appendix 1a (supporting materials)

Appendix 2

Stage 1

Activity Completed by
Self Review submission 24 Jun 2005
Staff consultation on current business processes and key issues July - August 2005
Development of ‘new way’ model in consultation with staff Sept – Oct 2005
HMIC Inspection Oct 2005
Implementation preparation and transitional arrangements Nov – Jan 2006
Trialing of ‘new way’ model Jan - Apr 2006
Full implementation of ‘new way’ of working April 2006
Ongoing review and adaptation Quarterly from April 2006
Final review April 2007

Supporting material

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