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Report 6 of the 10 November 2005 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and provides an update on the programme for the review of the Directorate of Professional Standards.

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Update on the programme for the fundamental review of the Directorate of Professional Standards

Report: 6
Date: 10 November 2005
By: Commissioner


The remit of the Review included an examination of the current functions and activities, and through consultation, to propose and deliver a ‘New Way’ working model. The work has encompassed reviewing the processes and structures of the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS), including case management, staff-mix and the inclusion of local managers, encouraging them to deal with complaint and misconduct issues at the earliest opportunity.

The programme will provide an integrated DPS response to the Morris Inquiry, the Taylor Report, the Ghaffur Report and the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) Commissioners’ Report, along with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Service Review and the Workforce Modernisation Programme.

The structures and processes described within this document, require further consultation, but aim to outline a provisional pathway for change, which can be built upon throughout the review.

A. Recommendations

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

The report at Appendix 1 is a summary of the work carried out to date by the Review Team looking at structures and working practices within DPS. It sets out significant changes to organisational structures and approaches to professional standards within the MPS.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The Review Team’s work is intended to have a wide ranging impact on the arena where professional standards and organisational learning meets race and diversity. The drivers for this piece of work include the CRE, Taylor, Morris and Ghaffur reports, all of which are underpinned by a need to change DPS understanding of diversity.

2. Consultation with Staff Associations and other stakeholders has been extensive and continues to take place, to ensure that an inclusive and constructive change programme is introduced.

D. Financial implications

The report is interim and final decisions or costings have yet to be determined. Current budgetary allocations will be worked within and greater efficiencies achieved.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Commander Sue Akers

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