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Report 10 of the 11 Dec 01 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and sets out the protocol for MPA link member involvement in the MPS local inspection programme.

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Link Member involvement in the MPS local inspection programme

Report: 10
Date: 11 December 2001
By: Commissioner


This report sets out the protocol for MPA link member involvement in the MPS local inspection programme. This is a new programme of inspections that expands the Borough inspection programme and is compatible with the HMIC national Basic Command Unit (BCU) inspection programme. The Authority is invited to nominate a link Member for each of the Operational Command Units or Directorates to be inspected, and to notify the details to the MPS Inspectorate.

A. Recommendations

  1. the Committee be invited to approve the draft protocol for link Member involvement in the new MPS local Inspection programme; and
  2. that full Authority be asked to nominate link members for the Operational Command Units or Directorates to be inspected, as considered appropriate.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS has recently introduced a new inspection programme that is based upon the methodology used for Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU) inspections. Members will already be aware of the arrangements that exist for their contribution to the BOCU inspection programme which were discussed at the last meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee on the 11 October 2001. A timetable that will cover all BOCUs and equivalent Headquarters Operational Command Units (OCUs) and Directorates is currently being drawn up and agreed, which will involve the undertaking of some 77 inspections over a period of between a year to eighteen months.

2. The inspection will involve a lead and supporting 'Inspector' for one week on each BOCU and for a duration commensurate with the complexity of other OCUs or Directorates, from two to five days.

3. An ACPO officer or senior civil staff member who is not in line command of the unit concerned will lead the inspections. An officer of superintending rank or civil staff equivalent will accompany this 'lead inspector'.

The role of the MPA in the MPS local inspection process

4. MPA member involvement in the MPS local Inspection programme will follow the recently agreed protocol for borough inspections. The protocol for MPA link member involvement in local inspections is that:

  • Link members will be offered the opportunity to meet with the ACPO officer (or equivalent senior civil staff member) due to conduct the inspection, prior to the inspection itself.
  • Where a partnership focus group is arranged as part of the Inspection, then the link member will be invited to attend and participate in this group.
  • Link members will be offered the opportunity to have a briefing by the ACPO officer (or equivalent senior civil staff member) following the inspection.
  • Link members will be provided with a copy of the executive summary of the final inspection report.
  • Link members will be given a copy of the action plan created as a consequence of the inspection.

Identification of MPA Link Members

5. Appendix 1 details the calendar of inspections to be conducted.
This Committee has already agreed that the borough link member will be involved in inspecting BOCUs as described above. This Committee is asked to recommend to the full Authority that the inspectors the MPA wishes to be involved in are identified in the attached table and Members are nominated to take part in each of these local inspections

6. The Authority is invited to supply the details of nominated Members to Chief Superintendent Julian Bennett, MPS Inspectorate, Tintagel House, who is co-ordinating the local Inspection programme.

C. Financial implications

1. The following elements have been included in costing the local Inspection programme:

  • the daily staff cost of an ACPO officer (or senior civil staff member)
  • the daily staff cost of a chief superintendent (or senior civil staff member)
  • the daily staff cost of the Inspectorate team who will support the pre-inspection and inspection visit.

2. The maximum cost of a 5 day inspection is £12,316. Costs are reduced where senior civil staff members are involved as either lead or supporting inspectors and obviously where inspections are less than 5 days in duration.

3. Link member costs (not included in the calculations in paragraph 6) are calculated on the basis of the Member's attendance allowance of £17 per hour (acknowledging that only Independent and Magistrate Members are entitled to claim this allowance). It is anticipated that link members would spend a maximum average of 3 hours each in supporting inspections. The average cost is therefore calculated at £51 per inspection. With 77 inspections planned for the eighteen month period, the total potential cost is £3,927 or £2,618 per year.

D. Background papers

Previous committee report - PSPM Report 13 of the 11 October 2001.

E. Contact details

Report authors: Chief Superintendent Peter Zieminski, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Provisional local inspection programme for 2002 to 2003.

January 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
Transport Branch 7 5
PRS1 – Business Management 21 2
SO16 – Diplomatic Protection 21 3
Finance 28 5

February 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
SO1(5) – Operation Trident 4 3
Personnel 2 – Induction 11 4
Clubs & Vice Unit 11 2
SO1(2)(3)(4) – Crime Operational Units 25 5

March 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
PRS2 - Corporate Performance 4 2
Catering Branch 11 4
Traffic 18 3
SO3 – Fingerprint & Photographic Branch 18 4

 April 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
SO19 – Firearms Branch 7 5
Directorate of Professional Standards 8 5
DCC3 – Directorate of Public Affairs 15 3
Personnel 3 – Maintenance 15 4
DPCS 22 5
SO5 – Child protection 29 5

 May 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
TP – Public Order Branch 13 3
BDSG 13 2
SO1(1) – SCG Headquarters 20 2
Solicitors Branch 20 2
Personnel 1 – Training 27 5

June 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
SO7 – Serious & Organised Crime Group 10 5
PRS8 – Service Security Branch 17 2
TP Operational Support 24 3

July 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
PRS6 – Consultancy Group 1 2
SO10/11 – Covert Intelligence & Operations 8 4
PRS7 – Inspectorate 15 2
DCC10 – Department of Information Technology 22 5

 August 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
PRS4 – Best value 5 2
TP – Central Communication Control 5 3
SO13 – Anti-Terrorist Branch 12 3

September 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
SO14 – Royalty protection 2 3
PRS3 – Planning 9 2
PRS5 – Operational Policy Support 23 2
SO17 – Palace of Westminster 23 2

October 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
DCC4 - Diversity Directorate 14 3
SO4 - National Identification Service 21 2

November 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
Property Services Department 4 5
SO12 – Special Branch 11 5

December 2002

OCU or Directorate Proposed
SO6 – Fraud Squad 9 4

January 2003

OCU or Directorate Proposed
Central driving offences 13 2

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