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This page contains press release 52/01, which discusses MPA's commitment to procuring energy services that reflect the aspirations of the Met's Environmental Strategy.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

High priority for environmental issues in energy procurement for the Met

27 July 2001

The Metropolitan Police Authority’s track record of taking action on the environment took another boost when Members agreed to tender for a renewable energy source for two Met buildings.

At the meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee on Thursday 21 July, Members confirmed their commitment to procuring energy services that reflect the aims and aspirations of the Met’s Environmental Strategy.

The Committee agreed that the pilot Environmental Management System at Cobalt Square, one of the Met’s administrative offices, and Orpington Police Station would provide an opportunity for the MPA to show its commitment to the environment without incurring significant financial penalties. The Committee will therefore tender for an electricity supply to Cobalt Square and Orpington Police Station on the basis of a renewable energy source, separately from the main tender for the Met.

Graham Tope, Chair of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee said:

“The Met are putting into practice the kind of environmental strategy which every big public and private sector organisation should have.

“Environmental issues are high priority for Londoners and this strategy shows that the Met is working hard to ensure that its operational obligations are balanced with the needs of the environment. “

In total the two sites represent 3% of electricity costs with a combined annual cost of about £170,000. Any likely additional costs will be financed from efficiency savings. Additional annual expenditure would be between £7,000 - £34,000 which would be offset by planned energy management initiatives within the highest energy consuming buildings. Existing contracts for both electricity and gas are due for renewal on 1 October 2001.

The Met’s Environmental Strategy includes a commitment to consider using renewable energy, whilst balancing the cost against environmental issues.

The aim is to reduce the consumption and cost of energy to the minimum levels possible, whilst maintaining an efficient and acceptable working environment.

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