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This page contains press release 76/01, which contains a statement from the MPA Chair concerning finance for the security measures put in place after the events of September 11th.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Statement by Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority

18 October 2001

"I have today asked the Commissioner, Sir John Stevens, to report to next Thursday's meeting of the Police Authority on the steps that he is putting in place to ensure that there are no problems in the current year in financing the measures necessary to protect London's security following the events of 11 September.

"Clearly there have been a series of meetings that the two of us have had with the Home Secretary and the Mayor to look at the implications for the police budget of the current heightened security arrangements in London. All involved are keen to make sure that the safety measures that are necessary to protect Londoners can continue despite the financial pressures we face.

"As we have been making clear for some time, the police budget was already facing serious pressures.

"We have, of course, asked the Home Secretary for extra resources to meet the additional demands and ensure that day-to-day policing across London does not suffer. I understand the Government is actively considering our request.

"Meanwhile, I will personally oversee, with MPA colleagues, on a weekly basis the measures being taken to control the overall budget and ensure that the proposals for next year do not place an undue burden on London's council tax payers."

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