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This page contains press release 87/01, which discusses a review into the policing of football matches.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police review into the policing of football matches

8 November 2001

The Metropolitan Police Authority is taking a keen interest in current Metropolitan Police Service review investigating all aspects of policing football matches, including questions relating to staffing levels, disruption caused to local policing and the opportunity to recover costs.

Richard Sumray, Chair of the MPA's Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee, said:

"With crowd control, traffic management and public safety duties the cost of policing football fixtures outside a ground is substantially higher than the cost recovered from clubs at present. For example, during the 2000-2001 season, policing football fixtures in London cost £7.4 million, but only £1.6 million was recovered to offset this expenditure. There is also a great disparity between costs recouped across London's boroughs and these issues are being addressed by the MPS's review.

"The MPA would like to see the development of a more corporate system of fiscal recovery across the capital. With this in mind the MPS's review will examine best practice from other police forces around the country and, importantly, will work in partnership with the local football clubs to formulate a workable and fair regime.  There is no intention to inhibit the staging and enjoyment of any sporting events and activities.

"With additional policing resources introduced to protect the capital since 11 September, stretching our already tight budget, the MPA welcomes any move that will lessen the financial burden and we will work together with the MPS in the development of a more equitable arrangement."

Under present arrangements, football clubs are only liable for the cost of policing within their grounds, and the methodology of charging differs across London. Outside the grounds the cost of policing is borne by the police budget.

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