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This page contains press release 04/02, which discusses a special MPA meeting to discuss issues around deaths in custody.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Special meeting to discuss deaths in custody

17 January 2002

A special meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority to discuss issues concerned with deaths in custody will be held in the Harvey Goodwin Room, Church House, Great Smith Street, SW1 on Friday 18 January 2002 at 10.00am. This meeting is open to the public and press.

Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA said:

“This whole area is highly emotive and is something the Authority has been actively involved with for some time, including our showing of the deaths in custody film ‘Injustice’ last summer. It is hoped that this special meeting will mark the beginning of a process to explore and progress the way in which deaths in custody are dealt with by all parties concerned. 

“All deaths in custody cause great distress to those involved in these tragic cases. They also cause significant tensions between the families, communities, the police and other authorities involved in the investigation of such cases. 

“We are anxious not to raise the expectations of families and friends who are still involved in ongoing police investigations. The purpose of this special meeting is to look at the many issues involved that have clearly needed addressing for some time now: the need for an independent system for the investigation of complaints against police that is fair, effective and commands public confidence; disclosure of information and reports to the families involved; and the current police suspensions policy. 

"Our main concern now is to ensure that procedures carried out following a death are transparent, open and fair, and that investigations are rigorous, speedy and effective.” 

Items on the agenda will include the police complaints system, response to the Home Office consultation paper on revising the definition of categories of deaths in custody, police suspensions policy and the examination of recent and current cases.

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