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This page contains press release 19/02, which announces a full authority meeting of the MPA.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority - Full Authority Meeting

27 February 2002

The Metropolitan Police Authority will meet on Thursday 28 February 2002 at 10.00am in Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1. This meeting is open to members of the public and press.

Earlier this month, the London Assembly confirmed a £2.1 billion policing budget which includes provision for an additional 1000 officers. At the Full Authority meeting, members will review the details of the budget and the arrangements put in place to manage it.

Toby Harris, MPA Chair, said:

"This budget goes a long way to delivering the policing priorities of the Authority. It recognises the importance of higher profile policing in the capital and provides for a further 1000 officers to boost community safety and fight the growing menace of drug-fuelled street robbery and gun crime.

“We must provide a cost effective and financially efficient police service that offers Londoners value for money. The rigorous implementation of financial monitoring and controls will help us achieve this.

"This budget is certainly on the right track but we must ensure that the Authority's responsibility for making certain that the police have the necessary resources to make London a safe city is also discharged.

"It is our job, working closely with the Commissioner and his senior managers, to make sure that any diminution of service to the people of London is avoided and that borough policing does not suffer as a consequence of efficiency savings made elsewhere."

Following on from the Virdi Inquiry Report, published in early January 2002, the MPA will discuss the action plans to implement the recommendations of the report within the direct remit of the MPA. Other items on the agenda include a report about the current and forecast position of recruitment of visible ethnic minority officers, the MPS firearms policy and an MPS strategy to enhance minicabs users' safety.

The Commissioner, Sir John Stevens will give his regular verbal report on current operational policing issues in London.

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