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This page contains press release 20/02, which calls for greater cooperation and less blame to bring about much-needed change in the criminal justice system.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA calls for partnership to reform criminal justice

07 March 2002

The Metropolitan Police Authority today called for greater cooperation and less blame to bring about much-needed change in the criminal justice system.

Toby Harris, MPA Chair, said:

‘We welcome the renewed debate on the criminal justice system, a highly complex issue which needs to be kept at the top of the political agenda if we are to bring about much needed modernisation.

‘Major reform of policing, courts and sentencing is underway which the government has said will recognise the important role played by victims and witnesses. 

‘This should overcome the serious problem we now face of people being reluctant to come forward with information by supporting them through the criminal justice system. 

‘But as a matter of priority we must look at ways of diverting people away from crime from an early age before they are caught up in a lifetime of antisocial behaviour and lawlessness. This more than anything else will take some of the pressure off of our police, courts, prisons, health, probation and social services.

‘The judiciary, the police and all of the other agencies involved are keen to reform the system to make it less cumbersome and more effective. Working together in partnership without resorting to recrimination is the best way to bring about improvements and reassure our communities.’

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