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This page contains press release 83/02, which discusses a 'topping out' of a third new police station in south east London.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Topping out for Bromley's new police station - the latest achievement for a major MPA estate initiative

14 August 2002

A third new police station under construction in south east London was ‘topped out’ today, the latest significant step for the Metropolitan Police Authority in its aim to provide modern facilities for 21st century policing in London.

Bromley’s new police station and borough headquarters, housing the CID, borough intelligence unit and a custody suite containing 26 cells and four detention rooms, is part of the Private Finance Initiative signed by the MPA in October 2001 for the design, build and operation of new police stations and sector bases in South East London.

Attending the ceremony, Catherine Crawford, Clerk of the MPA, said:

“The Authority is pleased that work to provide Bromley’s police with the modern facilities they both need and deserve to perform their duties has been achieved without delay. Work will now continue on to ensure completion within schedule.

“This important PFI contract forms part of the MPA Estate Strategy for the modernization of the estate and provides an opportunity for the rationalisation of a number of old and less efficient buildings. The designs offer modern accommodation and represents value for money, reductions in annual costs in some areas and further efficiencies both in terms of staff and other costs.

“Significantly, with the contractor providing staff for a range of police support services, there is the potential for the release of police officers currently employed on these duties covering civilian shortages to return to front line operational duties.”

The 25 year PFI contract has been awarded to Equion plc (formerly known as Laing Hyder plc) and is valued at £120 million of which Bromley totals approximately £20 million. Equion will be responsible for staffing to meet demand and to deliver services against pre-agreed specifications and this contract will act as a pilot scheme for the future possibility of contracting out similar local services. At Bromley these will include the supply of staff and delivery of services associated with catering, reception, clerical and maintenance services.

The new police station is scheduled for completion in October 2003 when the existing police station will be sold off.

Notes to editors

1. A ‘topping out’ ceremony involves the positioning of the highest stone of a new building.

2. The South East London PFI is the second major PFI project to be taken forward by the MPA. For further details of this PFI arrangement please see MPA press release 82-2001 of 29 October 2001. For the Sutton and Lewisham ‘topping out’ ceremonies please see press releases 62-2002 and 77-2002 respectively. All press releases are available on the MPA website.

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