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This page contains press release 118/02, in which the MPA gives green light to next phase of transport policing initiative.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA gives green light to next phase of transport policing initiative

18 November 2002

The Metropolitan Police Authority today agreed the development of Phase II of the successful Transport Operational Command Unit (TOCU) for 2003/04, subject to the Mayor’s budget.

The TOCU is a unique partnership with Transport for London (TfL), ratified by a Special Services Agreement earlier this year, to tackle crime, disorder, taxi and mini cab enforcement on agreed transport routes. The initiative has been highly successful and the roll-out programme will continue into the spring of 2003 to cover 26 bus routes, encompassing 15% of all bus journeys in London.

Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, said:

“The TOCU has proven a successful example of policing by partnership and has reaped excellent results, advancing the MPA’s aim to make London’s streets safer. Discussions have taken place with TfL to develop the initiative in the next financial year and to include an enforcement strategy, encompassing priorities for future investment in transport policing.

“The further development of the TOCU will provide an increased presence and a 24 hour, 7 day a week capability focused on the agreed routes, improving the safety of passengers and assisting the efficient movement of public transport on the capital’s streets.

“Significantly for the MPA all costs incurred by the TOCU, both existing and for future development, are external to our annual police budget and are provided directly from Mayor’s budget.”

Control of all policing activities around the TOCU remains firmly in the hands of the Metropolitan Police operational commander, as contracturally guaranteed within the Service Level Agreement signed by the MPA with TfL. This will continue under Phase II.

For MPA planning purposes it is assumed that additional funding of up to £15 million set-up (2003/04) costs and £21 million per annum operating costs could be available for implementation of Phase II of the TOCU, subject to the Mayor’s budget.

Notes to editors

1. The MPA ratified a Special Services Agreement with Transport for London (TfL), setting out the contractural details of the Transport Operational Command Unit (TOCU), on 25 April 2002. The TOCU became operational on 10 June 2002.

2.. It was first piloted on the 159 bus route, where police officers travelled on the buses to ensure passenger and staff safety.

3. The Agreement is for a period of five years, unless terminated by either party with twelve months notice, with annual reviews of the operation and effectiveness of the Agreement.

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