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This page contains press release 40/04, in which the new MPA independent and magistrate members are announced.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Independent And Magistrate Members Announced

03 Jun 2004

The Metropolitan Police Authority today announced the independent and magistrate members who will serve for the next four-year term of office starting on 3 July 2004.

Karim Murji and John Roberts are newly appointed independent members.

The Authority awaits an announcement of who will be appointed as an independent member by the Home Secretary to represent his interest in the Metropolitan Police Service’s national and international functions.

Cindy Butts, Peter Herbert, Kirsten Hearn and Abdal Ullah have been reappointed as independent members for a second term.

Aneeta Prem is newly appointed as a magistrate member.

Reshard Auladin, Richard Sumray and Rachel Whittaker have been reappointed as magistrate members for a second term.

Commenting on the appointments, Catherine Crawford, clerk to the Authority, said:

“I am delighted to welcome our new members, each of whom brings valuable experience and expertise to their new role with the Metropolitan Police Authority.

“I am also pleased that so many existing members considered the work of the Authority important enough to seek reappointment and were successful. Their return was in no way guaranteed, decisions being made after rigorous interview and consideration, but their presence will guarantee a vital level of operational continuity.

“The success of the MPA, newly created just four years ago, was always going to be reliant on the abilities and dedication of its members, and they can justifiably be proud of their achievements now we are coming to the end of our first term in office.

“I know that our new members are equally dedicated to the task of ensuring a fair and effective police service for all London’s communities and look forward to commencing their duties.”

Notes to editors

Further media information

1. The Metropolitan Police Authority is made up of 23 members appointed for four years:

  • 12 members are appointed by the mayor from the London Assembly on the basis of the political balance on the Assembly, one of whom must be the deputy mayor;
  • 4 local magistrates are appointed by the Greater London Magistrates’ Court Authority; and
  • 7 independent members - 6 are selected following a process of public advertisement and interview, the seventh appointed by the Home Secretary to represent his interest in the Metropolitan Police’s national and international functions.

2. Biographical details of new appointees:

Karim Murji

Karim Murji is an academic, currently based in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University. Before that he taught at the University of Surrey Roehampton. He has also worked as a Researcher for the Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence and in local government.

Through these activities and voluntary work with Victim Support and various drugs organisations, law centres and racial equality groups Karim has been involved with policing issues in London for over 15 years.

Aneeta Prem

Aneeta Prem is one of the youngest magistrates at Redbridge Magistrate court specialising in Adult and Family law as well as being part of the editorial team. Currently she is involved in working with training, management and property companies, and is also a member of the Essex Probation Service Management Board.

Aneeta plays an active part within the local area and has gained trust and respect within the community, for which she has received public recognition. She has become a mentor and a public voice for many in the Asian community.

She is a School Governor at a local primary school in Redbridge and is also studying for her Masters in Urban Regeneration.

John Roberts

John has over 12 years experience of working with “hard to reach communities” in London, gaining considerable knowledge and expertise working with the Metropolitan Police Service, drug and alcohol agencies, local health services and homeless peoples agencies.

John’s career profile has ranged from being a hostel worker, a youth and community leader to a health promotions specialist and co-ordinator. John currently manages an outreach project for Docklands Outreach, a charity in Tower Hamlets.

John has a wide-ranging number of qualifications including an advanced diploma in counselling and psychotherapy, a diploma in drama, music and dance, a certificate in mediation and conflict resolution, training and restorative justice.

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