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This page contains press release 09/05, which announces that the MPA are hosting a conference for London Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs).

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA London Independent Custody Visitors conference

10 February 2005

The Metropolitan Police Authority are hosting a conference for London Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) on Saturday 12 February 2005 at Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD.

Aneeta Prem, lead MPA member for ICVs, said:

“There are 400 Independent Custody Visitors in the Met. They are doing a great job under very difficult circumstances. They are highly valued by the MPA but there is also a need for their position to be strengthened. We thank ICVs for the excellent work they do and hope through consultation we can move into the future.

“Since the MPA became responsible for independent custody visiting in April 2003, it has sought to standardise and improve their situation. In November 2003, the MPA’s Consultation Committee appointed a consultant to undertake a fundamental review of the operation of the scheme.

“The MPA hired Ian Smith, a nationally recognised expert in the field, to research the area in order to restructure the way the MPA views Independent Custody Visitors and to make sure they are given the best possible support

“He produced a consultation document in November which came before the Community Engagement Committee last week. The report provides the MPA with a unique opportunity to remedy weaknesses and to take the lead on Independent Custody Visiting provisions nationally.

“True reform can only be achieved with the direct involvement and participation of the volunteers themselves.”

The conference will be attended by almost 150 ICVs, MPA members and staff and representatives from the MPS Custody Directorate, the National Independent Custody Visiting Association, the Home Office and the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The conference is part of the consultation process on the review and will ensure the MPA is able to fulfil its statutory responsibilities.

Notes to editors

1. In April 2003, Independent Custody Visiting became a statutory function of the MPA

2. In November 2003, the MPA’s Consultation Committee (now Community Engagement Committee) adopted the recommendation to appoint a consultant to review the operation of the ICV scheme.

3. Ian Smith, a nationally recognised expert on independent custody visiting, undertook the review, which can be found at:

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