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This page contains press release 35/05, in which the MPA calls for communities to “Pull Together” following bombings.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority calls for communities to “Pull Together” following bombings

17 July 2005

In the aftermath of the London bombings, the Metropolitan Police Authority, Metropolitan Police and the Mayor of London held a joint communication and consultation event for community representatives on Monday (11 July) to engage and reassure communities about the police response.

Communities Together, called at short notice following the London attacks, was attended by 300 community and faith group representatives from all over the capital to demonstrate that London stands united against terrorism.

It also enabled communities to share ideas on how to work together more effectively to reduce fear and improve safety.

Suggestions made included the need to involve communities more widely in issuing messages of reassurance and to establish a community helpline to operate during emergencies and major incidents.

MPA member Aneeta Prem, the Authority’s lead member on Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist communities, said:

“London is the most diverse and culturally rich city in the world and it is these characteristics that make us so strong, especially in the face of adversity. One of the priorities now is for all communities and agencies to work together to offer mutual support and reassurance.

“The response from all Londoners over the past few days has been tremendous and has shown that when we stand together we can overcome anything.

“It is vitally important that we do everything in our power to ensure community harmony is maintained. Asians and people of Asian or Middle Eastern appearance are feeling particularly vulnerable at this time and all of our communities deserve our support and help to feel safe.

“It would be playing into the hands of the criminals who planned and carried out these despicable acts if we allowed a misguided backlash against any of our communities to occur.

“We need to stand together and turn our attention to supporting the injured, their families and the families of those so tragically killed in the attacks.

“And once again I’d like to express admiration and thanks to all of the emergency services and Transport for London staff for their fantastic response, their selfless dedication and service.”

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