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This page contains press release 08/06, which contains an MPA statement about Safer Neighbourhoods, which is reducing crime and increasing community confidence.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA statement: Safer Neighbourhoods – reducing crime and increasing community confidence

8 February 2006

Responding to London Assembly Conservative allegations that Safer Neighbourhood teams have failed to deliver, Reshard Auladin, deputy chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said:

“Safer Neighbourhoods is more than statistics and quick fixes. It's about creating an environment where criminality and anti-social behaviour cannot exist and isn't tolerated. In every ward where Safer Neighbourhoods has been introduced community confidence has risen and the fear of crime has fallen.

“In Tower Hamlets overall crime during the present financial year has gone down by nine and a half percent - that's almost 3,000 fewer victims - and all assaults are down by six percent.

“People are now being given a form of policing they want, have asked for and deserve. These are early days and we are very confident Safer Neighbourhoods will continue to bring increasing benefits to all of London’s citizens.”

Notes to editors

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