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This page contains press release 09/06, which contains an MPA statement in response to IPCC decision about officers involved in Harry Stanley fatal shooting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA statement in response to IPCC decision about officers involved in Harry Stanley fatal shooting

9 February 2006

Reshard Auladin, deputy chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority commenting on the IPCC’s decision that the two officers involved in the fatal shooting of Harry Stanley in September 1999 should not face any disciplinary action, said:

“The Metropolitan Police Authority will consider as soon as possible the IPCC’s recommendations that have resulted from this investigation and ensure they are addressed in the MPS.

“In its decision the IPCC has urged the police service to change the way officers write up their accounts of fatal incidents. They have recommended that after fatal shootings firearms officers involved should be treated like any other significant witnesses in making up their notes and that de-briefs should be video recorded.

“This incident has been very difficult and drawn out for all those involved and the MPA wants to re-assure Londoners that lessons will be learnt in order that investigations of this kind can be conducted more speedily in future.”

Notes to editors

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