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This page contains press release 44/07, in which the MPA supports action for peace across the capital.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority - supporting action for peace across the capital

10 September 2007

London Week of Peace 2007 is an opportunity for Londoners to celebrate and promote initiatives that raise awareness of community safety. By participating in events across the capital, individuals, groups and entire communities will be working to improve community cohesion and help reduce crime and the fear of crime.

The Metropolitan Police Authority supports the Week's vision to involve all Londoners in a celebration of diversity with the goal of promoting justice, equality and respect and contributing to a more cohesive society. The Authority is sponsoring the 'Bravery Award' which will be presented to an individual who has shown exceptional courage in keeping the peace.

Cindy Butts, deputy chair of the MPA, said:

"The MPA firmly believes that everyone has a role to play in standing up to criminality and violence by sending out the clear message that 'enough is enough'. The Week of Peace is when Londoners can come together and celebrate initiatives promoting peace and encourage even more people to actively raise their voices against criminality.

"The Week has blossomed from its start in Haringey back in 2001 to become a London-wide event of real significance. Young and old will unite in many different ways - sports events, peace walks, public rallies, street festivals or concerts - to show their support for safer communities. London's local police, through the Safer Neighbourhoods teams, are joining with their communities at these events in every borough.

"This year London has experienced an unprecedented number of young people murdered - eighteen in all. These exceptional incidents have done nothing to reassure people that London is, for the vast majority of us, one of the world's safest major cities. The fear of crime is an acute problem, prevents people from leading their lives in complete peace of mind, and is uninformed by the fact that crime is actually falling."

Cindy concluded:

"Action speaks louder than words and I hope London Week of Peace can inspire people with the confidence that they are not alone in their concerns and that by coming together we can unite to create a climate of condemnation. The message is simple - add your voice to the appeal to end violence, promote peace and work together to help make London a safer city for everyone."

Notes to editors

1. London Week of Peace runs 9 - 16 September 2007 and incorporates events involving the Metropolitan Police Service in every borough across London.

2. Central events for the week include a 5km Run for Peace to raise money for community peace initiatives on Saturday 9 September, a Peace Concert and Talent Quest in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 15 September, and a Poetry for Peace competition.

3. The MPA is sponsoring the Bravery Award for an individual who has shown exceptional courage in keeping the peace to be presented at the London Week of Peace fundraising dinner and awards presentation on Thursday 13 September.

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