
This section contains the MPA briefing papers published in 2005 under the MPA Publication Scheme.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Briefing papers 2005

09/05 (16 Dec 05) Safer Communities Bill

08/05 (13 Dec 05) Advancing equality for men and women: Government’s proposals for a gender duty

07/05 (08 Dec 05) IS/IT briefing sessions – focus on DOI response to Bichard

06/05 (06 Dec 05) The MPA's community engagement arrangements at the borough level

05/05 (01 Dec 05) ODPM consultation on proposals for additional powers for the Mayor and Assembly

04/05 (24 Nov 05) PPAF and baseline assessment 2004/05

03/05 (22 Nov 05) Police Negotiating Board equal pay review in the police service

02/05 (22 Nov 05) MPS recruitment 2005-09

01/05 (22 Nov 05) MPS Graduate Recruitment Strategy

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