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This page contains a reply from Catherine Crawford to Yasmin Khan, regarding her letter about the MPA meeting on Stockwell Scrutiny.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Reply to Yasmin Khan

The following is a letter sent by Catherine Crawford, Chief Executive to the Authority to Yasmin Khan

Yasmin Khan
Justice4Jean Family Campaign
PO Box 273
London E7

24 July 2008

First of all I want to apologise on behalf of the MPA scrutiny panel to the de Menezes family for our failure to send them a copy of our Stockwell scrutiny report prior to the publication. The Chair and the members of the panel were unaware that the family and their lawyers had not been informed.

The report is about learning lessons – not about the sequence of events of 22 July 2005.

There was however no intention to exclude the de Menezes family and on behalf of my colleagues I wish to say we are sorry for any hurt this may have caused the family.

I give my personal assurances that any views they offer will be taken into account when the Authority considers further reports after the inquest.

Catherine Crawford
Chief Executive to the Authority 

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